Radiant Goddess of Light Document in Shattered Worlds | World Anvil

Radiant Goddess of Light

This text has been written in many different languages and disseminated throughout much of the world. It is commonly refered to as "The First Canon," and was the initial religious text of the Celestine Church. While a second text was canonized later on, much of the first canon remainded relevant.     The magnanimous goddess Celestine was the creator of the Mortal Realm long ago, and from that creation sprang up all sorts of life. For millenia she walked amount the beings of the Mortal Realm and watched them grow, showing them kindness and watching them grow over the years.   However, the paradise created could only last so long. Another being, the Demon God, stole his way into the Mortal Realm and began to corrupt the denizens there. They grew more savage and were overcome with greed. They fought and warred and made division amongst the creations of Celestine. This was far too much for the kind Celestine to bear, so she left the Mortal Realm for good, and there was much sorrow among those who loved her. She created a new place, Elysium, and from Elysium sprang the embodiments of Celestine, the angels. With this angels as wards against the corruption of the Demon God, she began to ferry the souls of those who lived a faithful life to Elysium, where they would be able to live out their immortal life basking in her light and love. And she called them the "Aasimar," or in the heavenly tongue, the Chosen Ones.     The Demon God however grew angry that his machinations were thwarted, and then stole away into Elysium, decieving the angels with a mask of lies and cunning. He snuck into the home of Celestine and slew her one true child, and then fled like a coward. Celestine passed into a great sorrow and war broke out on the Mortal Realm, the Demon King believing it was rife for the taking, and those who desired coin and power over all things good and holy flocked to his banner of sin.     But the angels saw great Celestine's great sorrow and her pain. And annointed in her tears, six of those angels took up arms against the Demon King, leading the forces of Elysium to help the faithful few remaining on the Mortal Realm fight back against the Demon God. They were Paragon of Order, Judica of Justice, Veritas of Truth, Excoria of Faith, Benedictus the Blessed, and Rexos of Kings. Then like a righteous hammer they smashed the forces of the Demon King, and like a cleasning wave of light washed over the realm, purging corruption where it lay until it came to a head at the Battle of Fates Dawn, where Benedictus made the ultimate sacrifice and was cut down defending the faithful. But that was not the end, as the Heavenly Chorus, lead by Rexos himself avenged their fallen brother and slew the Demon-gods' Champion.     After the battle the archangels spoke to the few remaining faithful that gathered outside the city. They spoke of how the victory that day was only possible due to the faith that those gathered had kept, and that if the Mortal Realm was to return to its former glory, and to ease the pain of Celestine herself, those gathered must go forth and share the good word of Celestine. Seek out corruption in this world and end it, for now the true custodians of the light could not be the Heavenly Chorus, but it must come from the faithful servants who called the Mortal Realm their home. Before they left they annointed the leader of the faithful gathered with a drop of blood of the fallen Archangel, granting him and his bloodline the ability to seek guidance from Celestine in return for keeping his faith and the faith of others in those most trying times.
Text, Religious


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