Lichentusk Character in Shattered Worlds | World Anvil


Lichentusk is a young male Runidiri who spent his younger years in Sylvara. Later he journeyed to the the Great Sentinel Tree Temple, but stopping along the way to see the world. He became particularly enamored with the fighting pits in Hoss City, where he spent some time competing. By the time he arrived in the Renhunt Forest he was one of the best single combatants there. He joined the rangers of the Moonclaw clan and quickly advanced through their ranks. His skill in combat lead him to become bonded with the ancient and warlike Nago, the great boar spirit of the Renhunt Forest.  After the death of Duskmeadow he took order as the elf in charge of the forests safety. His appointment came at some concern to some of the Runidiri of the temple, including Roaming River, who primarily appointed him due to the large following he had gained among the younger Runidiri. The older see his views as far too militaristic, but the younger see that as a necessity in an ever more chaotic world.


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