Elves Species in Shattered Worlds | World Anvil


Native Plane: The Feywild
  It is believed that all elves were once of the same ethnicity, however when they came to to the Mortal Plane from the Feywild, they changed over time. The length of time they have spent in the mortal Realm as well as their type of attachment to the Feywild has changed them, creating three distinct ethnicities, each with their own cultural identity; The Saeli or High Elves, the Runidiri or Wood Elves  


Also known as: High Elves, True Elves

  The smallest ethnicity of elf and the last to leave the Feywild. The Saeli rarely venture out of their conclaves but for great deeds. They have the strongest connection to magic of any of the other types of elf. As a society there isn’t much communication between the different enclaves of high elves, for the most part they keep to the study and mastery of various subjects. The only large scale group of High Elves is the city of Dalendra’thira in Celestine. It is ruled by a Magister-King who in theory can call upon high elves anywhere.
  Although rarely seen out in public, the Saeli have stark features. Many have silver, white or blonde hair, occasionally younger elves are born with brown hair. Their eyes also tend to be more metallic, silver, gold, occasionally purple or scarlet. Saeli neither die of old age, nor show signs of aging.  


Also known as: Wandering Elves, Wood Elves
  The name Runidiri comes from the elvish word for Protector or Wanderer, depending on how you translate it. The Runidiri Elves came to the Mortal Realm from the Feywild more recently than the Tenari, but have been here much longer than the Saeli. They are a nomadic people, who travel the world to visit different cultural sites in the forests of the mortal realm. While more recently they have established permanent settlement in the islands of Dol Gorak, a city in the forest called Sylvara. Sylvara has become a place where many young of the Runidiri grow up, under the protection of the the Runidiri rangers, the Tenari fleet, and the dwarven fortresses.
  When the Runidiri came to the mortal realm, legend holds that they brought with them sacred spirits which they spread throughout the world into forests. Today clans of Runidiri travel from forest to forest on pilgrimage to pay respect and leave offerings to those spirits. The Runidiri are by far the most religious of the elven ethnicities. Generally Runidiri faith can be summed up with great respect for all living creatures, especially the plants and beasts of the forest.
  The Runidiri tend to have blonde or brown hair, rarely black. Their skin tone is generally darker than the other elves, more brown to black. The wood elves also have religious tattoos, usually symbolizing a spirit that they have an attachment to. Runidiri do not die of old age, but they do themselves age.  


Also known as: Wind Elves, Sea Elves, Half Elves

  The name Tenari comes from the elvish word for lesser. The Tenari were the first of the elves to come to the Mortal Realm from the Feywilds, perhaps thousands of years ago. They were given the name Tenari more recently after the arrival of the other elf ethnicities, as the Tenari have lost their immortality as well as their connection to the Feywild. For this they are also sometimes called Half Elves. The Tenari are the most numerous and widely distributed among the elves, partly due to their natural aptitude for sailing ships, earning them the moniker of sea or wind elves. They are primarily located in Dol Gorak, however large communities can be found in Renvere and the Celestian Empire.
  During the War of Ash the vale they called home, now Dol Gorak, was devastated with a large portion of it becoming desert. They joined forces however with an unlikely ally, the dwarves of Dol Gorak, Aurethrane and Bronzethrane. Dol Gorak, the seat of the High King of the dwarves was besieged by a celestial army and the Sea Lords landed on the beaches by the mountain to lift the siege. In turn the Tenari-Dwarf force marched on Aurethrane and Bronzethrane, retaking them and using it to stage several attacks on the celestial forces in the region, ultimately driving them out. They officiated their alliance and created Dun Durdin as a safe haven for both the dwarves and elves of that region.
  The Tenari, having a strong tie to the sea, settled on the coast after the conflict, constructing a trade fleet and navy large enough to rival that of the Corsair Kings and Hraun Ogres, who they are oft in conflict with. Their relationship with the Saeli is tense, however have stronger ties with the Runidiri, who have a permanent settlement on the isles off Dol Gorak.
  Tenari have lost some of their starker elves features, they tend to have darker hair, blacks, auburns and browns and fair skin. While they are no longer immortal, they are still long lived, on average living to around 100 years of age.

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