A Harvester's Guide to the Ecological Resources in the Northern Stonehorn Mountains Vol. 1 Document in Shattered Worlds | World Anvil

A Harvester's Guide to the Ecological Resources in the Northern Stonehorn Mountains Vol. 1

This reference guide is the culmination of research into various alchemical, medical, and arcane resources that can be found in the region of the northern Stonehorn Mountains. It is written by a famed Tenari researcher, Tamlin Syra'nar, but also credits a local expert, a halfling named Kip Billbuckle. The guide has a forward section that is instructive on the use of a harvesting, alchemy, and chef's kit. Allowing anyone who studies it for a week to replace a tool proficiency they have with one of those three.     This is one of the most wild areas in Renvere, untouched by modern industry. Where the forests and plains of Renvere have given way to farming and logging, and the southern mountains are rife with the mines of the Ferethrane dwarves, the north of Renvere still has a touch of the frontier to it. There are several distinct ecological biomes in the region; the autumnal forests, the boreal forests, the expansive caves, the mountains, and most uniquely, the Stonespire Swamp. An individual trained in harvesting, alchemy, or cooking could harness these resoures to great effect.     The autumnal forests stretch from the Akanai Lake into the Stonehorn Mountains. They contain a wide variety of wildlife and flora, however none too distinct or interesting. Large owlbears can be found in the area, their feathers have some use in arcane magic. Several sentient plant species can be found throughout these forests, Treants, Violet Fungus, and Shambling Mounds all have arcane components that can be used to enhance spells, and some of those components also are used by alchemists in the creation of potions.     The boreal forests are even less developed, and stretch from northern Renvere to bear island. Here we can find some of the same creatures found in the autumnal forests, but some others as well. Ice elementals can be seen roaming these forests as well as yeti. Both could be harvested for materials to either protect you from the cold, or those magic uses who specialize in cold type magic.     In the mountains wildlife becomes less common, as resources there are much more spares. Those who are familiar with the Runidiri culture will know the northern Stonehorns are home to the temple of the hawk spirit Akil'zon, which is with good reason, as the there are several roc rookeries in the area. Griffons also make their home in the mountains, although less common, and like the roc their feathers can be used as components in several spells. Trolls also can be found in the mountains, although they are quite rare. Their blood can be used both as a spell component and an ingredient in healing potions. Very rarely one may also encounter a phase spider in the mountains. They like to set traps in close quarters and can sometimes also be found in caves. Their blood and their hide can be used as components as well.     The cave systems in these mountains are expansive and dangerous. There have been issues exploring them as for some reason there tends to be a large quantity of undead. It is unknown why, but many an explorer has fallen to these creatures. However there are some interesting creatures that can be found in these caves. Earth elementals can befound in the deep depths of these caves as naturally occuring phenomena, and can be harvested for arcane components. Ettercaps also lurk in these caves and the nasty creatures eyes, web sacks, and feet all have potential for arcane and alchemical uses. While I have never encountered either there have been rumors of a hydra in the mountains as well as remorhaz in the colder parts of the cave. Hydra's blood has healing properties and the remorhaz has some components that can aid with fire spells and fire resistance.     Finally we come to the Stonespire Swamp. Many of the sentient plants of the autumnal forests are also found here, but there are also a wealth of unqiue mushrooms deep in the swamp. These mushrooms have the potential for great alchemical properties, however much of the research was lost in the Temple of Hir'eek was destroyed during the War of Ash. Legends told that members of the Sporetender clan were developing a wealth of new types of fungus that would revolutionalize the world of alchemy.
Manual, Scientific


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