Kelpie Species in Shattered Horizons | World Anvil
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The Kelpie of myths speaks of a beautiful horse that lingers by freshwater shores. Some lost soul will approach the creature, and it will let them on, the trap already set.

  They climb aboard, only to find themselves stuck fast, and the horse instantly leaping into the deadly waters to drown them.   Now like many myths of the old earth, this myth had no actual basis in reality beyond a means to keep children wary of water and gifts from strangers that are too good to be true.  

However, with the advent of magic and monsters in The Questing Fields, MU has seen fit to recreate as many monsters from as many human cultures as he can.


This new form of the kelpie is not a water horse proper, instead, it is the term for a strange form of parasitism from a slime and horse. The condition is spread from a horse drinking water contaminated with slime particles. Inside the beast, the particles slowly grow and convert the horse’s anatomy to its new semi-aquatic form. Small hidden gills along the neck appearing. The teeth become sharpened, the stomach enlarged, and the jaw strengthened. The hooves become capable of splitting apart with webbing between them.


The largest changes come to the skin and mind of the horse. The skin of the kelpie becomes speckled with chromataphores to disguise the the horse’s newly blackened skin. In addition, small holes pepper the skin to let the colony of slimes out so they drink water and trap prey that touches the horse. At the final stages of modification, the largest slime will rest inside the skull cavity to add an extra buffer against brain damage and to direct the brain to remain near water and implant commands into the brain. Such as, find humans to approach and drown.

  Philly kelpie (slime/beast LVL: 13)   Exp: 1,300   Kelpie (slime/beast LVL: 26)   Exp: 40,500   Kelpie horde (slime/beast LVL: 39)   Exp: 800,000

Basic Information


Looks like a normal, if melanistic, horse.   In hunting mode, once a human has climbed aboard, the holes in the skin open, allowing the slime inside to glue the human to the hosts. It is then drowned and eaten in the safety of deeper waters.   In active combat mode, two tendrils of slime slither out of the horse’s flank while the skin changed colors rapidly to mimic an active camouflage system.

Genetics and Reproduction

While the kelpie is a product of two species, the host horse is rendered sterile to prevent breeding urges from distracting the horse from the hunt.

Growth Rate & Stages

Total conversion time for a Philly is 2 weeks, a full-grown adult takes 3 months.

Ecology and Habitats

Swamps, ponds, lakes, basically anyplace with freshwater as slimes can’t sustain themselves with saltwater.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kelpies are consummate carnivores for both the protein and the bones inside living creatures.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kelpies are normally solitary hunters because of how rare the condition is and the slimes inside them make them fight for territory.   Unless in the case of an entire herd of horses is infected in tandem then they become a kelpie horde which can wipe out cities if they decide to rampage.

Average Intelligence

Horses are pretty stupid, and slimes are literally brainless so there is not much danger in a kelpies tactical thinking.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like octopi, kelpies can sense color despite the slimes controlling the skin not being able to see it.
Scientific Name
Equess Ferus Aquarius
20 years. Most of them time they are found and killed before they can make it past that age.
Conservation Status
None, as Kelpies should be put down as soon as possible to avoid the condition spreading. Certain segments of the population, namely Horse Girls, have protested this policy.
Average Weight
Average Length
8 feet.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black skin that is capable of changing to any normal horse coloration.
Geographic Distribution


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