The World Tree Geographic Location in Shattered Cosmos | World Anvil
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The World Tree

"When the sky brightens but hopes are lost, the World Tree will defend itself at cost. The flaws and cracks will appear, and the worlds, once one, begin to tear. If the hopeless worlds are to reunite, then those with hope must try to fight." —Unknown


The World Tree rests in the center of a large plain of grass that floats through space. The world tree itself takes up the space of a small town, but it's branches seem to extend out for miles. Because of the branches, the entire plain is in a nice cool shade, but letting in enough light to keep it warm.

Fauna & Flora

Near the base of the World Tree there are many gardens littered around. These gardens are grown from the World Tree itself, using the same energy that the World Tree collects.

Natural Resources

Many fruits grow from the various gardens, allowing those who live at the World Tree to have fresh food throughout the year.
The World Tree cover
Alternative Name(s)
Planar Sphere/Grouping
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