Mendenhall Organization in Shamans Oath | World Anvil


The nation of Mendenhall is a frozen tundra of blowing snow, ice caves, mountains capped by snow, and the roving bands of barbarian tribes that populate it. For those who live here, the tundra is a way of life, and to ignore its signs is to call death on yourself. For visitors, it is often found to be an inhospitable place, not worth the visit. However, the scrimshaw found here by those tribesmen are unique, and fetch quite the hefty price, as well as the strong brews created by the brewmasters in each village.
  Skorvald Ice Cave This unique ice cave can be found along the western edge of the Gungnir Mountains, and inside can be found a dragon's skeleton, marred only by a gaping hole in its skull, where it was felled by a falling stalactite. This is a place of great cultural significance for the tribes, and has been declared a place of neutrality. If a warring tribesman encounters his foe within the cave, no blood may be spilled. Therefore, it can be used as a place to negotiate with the leaders of many tribes, as no weapon may be drawn within.
  Threymir Glacier This glacier creates the northern boundary of the nation. It stands nearly 300 ft tall, and can be said to form the world's edge, if the word of the tribes can be taken as truth.
  Temple of the Frozen Kings This crevice into the Threymir Glacier holds a marvel to behold. If the shamans allow access at all, one can see the Frozen Kings trapped in the ice that creates the walls of the passage. These frozen kings are dinosaurs, perfectly preserved, and not a scratch marks the ice that holds them. It is said that no weapon ever could penetrate that ice, but nevertheless, the shamans who commune with them say that the Frozen Kings hold their court together, and all of them speak together as one. This is the most holy place for followers of the Frozen Kings.
  Thol Thurum This city of mostly dwarves is the biggest structure on the tundra, rising from the foothills of the Gungnir Mountains. Its stony exterior is rather intimidating, but within is a happy and warm place, warmed indeed by the forges of those who mine deep into the mountains. These folks have a tentative agreement with the tribes, that of mutual aid. The barbarians provide security for the dwarves when they must leave, do not attack the wagons headed to and from the city (as long as the Hammer of Torag is displayed of course), and in exchange, the tribes get dwarven crafted weapons and ales brewed within.