Isla De Los Invasores Organization in Shamans Oath | World Anvil

Isla De Los Invasores

The island of raiders, as its called, is a home for all of the pirates in the sea. It is the one neutral territory for the various pirate fleets, and each represented there by an ambassador who must remain on the island in order to maintain their fleet's recognition by the other fleets. There are many regions on the island, each unique. As detailed below, those regions are laid out from sea inward.
  Ships Graveyard The ship graveyard nearly surrounds the island, only allowing access through select channels known by ship pilots who know their every twist and turn. The ships graveyard is made of multitudes of ships that have gone down, some of pirates, others of the Sharkmaw Company, who attempted to take on the full force of the pirate cove 150 years ago. The very island was created by drawing those same ships up and forming their wooden skeletons into a home that they could all call home.
  Port O’ Call The name of the piers at which those ships come to call, is aptly called the Port O’ Call. Many docks spread out like spider-legs, and yet each of these “legs” is home to a different pirate fleet. Woe to the newcomer who ports on the wrong dock. Perhaps a new ship to call the Graveyard home.
  Baygall Shacks The Baygall Shacks are an area that usually houses witches and soothsayers who each seem to have their own methods of divining the truth. Some of course are false, but all have their most loyal regulars.
  Captains Hall The captains hall is the place where, in times of great troubles, all of the captains of the fleets gather to make their decisions for the good of all. Most of the time however, the hall remains empty, the ambassadors residing in their own chambers. The table itself is made from the deck of the first captain to gather all of the pirate lords together, and it is so named for his ship. The name of his ship is still emblazoned across the center. The Cursed Trinity.
  Ambassadors Residence The chambers above the captains hall houses the Ambassadors and their assistants. Those who choose to remain behind with their ambassador holds the same honorary position within the fleet, but are also allowed to return to their ship if need be. Oftentimes, the assistants are those who cannot return to sea for various reasons, perhaps a debilitating injury, or a sole survivor.