The Khan Character in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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The Khan

Mr. Timothy Samuel Janowski (a.k.a. The Khan)

Written by: Null Kit

  For one to truly understand a go-gang's culture, they must look to its leader, as even the most independant-minded barrens waster must acquiesce to the idiosyncracies performed and demanded by whoever proves themselves sufficiently cunning and forceful to maintain authority among those who have forsook the common laws. No gang embodies this precept more than the Horse Dancers, whose entire way of life revolves around the delusions of its leader, the Khan.   The rumors are indeed true: the Khan legitimately believes himself not only to be a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, but a true reincarnation of the Mongolian conquerer himself. He is taciturn, meritocratic and very surprisingly for a go-ganger, prides himself in being open to diplomacy and non-violent resolution of conflict. But appropriately for the supposed Genghis-reborn, his retribution towards those that attack or even so much as disrespect his 'clan' is as fearsome as it is unyielding, taking great measures not only to stop the threat, but wipe them out entirely without a trace.
Like his alleged prior incarnation, the Khan is also big on hospitality and treating diplomats well. Even those psycho Howling Blades can send someone along to give a message or negotiate and expect that person to come back alive and unhurt. Conversely though, if you go out your way to fuck with anyone the Khan sends, expect to get smeared across the pavement the next time you step out...
— Saint-Ain't
Tread with care, should you find yourself in his domain. Ancient and delapidated it may be, respect is still his greatest measure of worth in a metahuman life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Khan's physical condition can only be speculated upon, but it is apparent from even a cursory glance that the years of leading raids through the Barrens astride a motorcycle have left their toll on his battered and scarred body. The scars from his initial motorcycle-accident remain unsettlingly visible on the right side of his cranium, but the damage remains the subject of (quiet) discussion even among his trusted subordinates.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of the personal history of the Khan has been unsettlingly easy to procure, at least in part owing to the consumate detachment he displays towards his own past, prior to his 'awakening'. Born Tim Janowski to Polish migrants Lars and Jane of the same surname, much of his formative years were almost comically typical of a salaryman-family clinging onto the lower links of the food-chain, showing unremarkable grades and enjoying corporate-approved pasttimes without causing trouble or rocking the proverbial boat beyond what is natural for a youth, and certainly showing no noted interest in the historic figure that he would later center his life around.   Janowski's only notable interest in his youth was in automotive-sports, motorcycles in particular. Upon getting his first bike at the age of 15 (a purely electric model, made for young riders specifically), he became entraptured in riding through the streets of Raleigh whenever the opportunity presented himself, and began a slow descent into delinquency as his love for biking took priority over responsibilities and led him towards the ever-dreaded wrong crowd.   This behavior culminated in 2057, when a seventeen year-old Janowski found himself as the unwilling getaway-driver when a criminal acquaintence of his committed an impulsive robbery of a Stuffer Shack. Janowski did his best to evade pursuing authorities on his tragically underpowered bike, but the chase came to an abrupt end when an attempt at running a red light led the fleeing suspects right into the path of an oncoming delivery-van. Janowski survived in critical condition, while his passenger was pronounced dead on arrival to the hospital.
I mean they could've prononced it at the crash-site seeing as the kid's brains were scattered across the street, but then you don't get to charge ambulance-fees to the next of kin...
— Anonymous poster
Janowski spent the next few weeks in a coma and was expected to remain that way for a long time, perhaps even perpetually. But two weeks later, he miraculously woke up a changed man. Physical tests showed no immediate symptoms of brain-damage, but Janowski's personality had taken a sudden change, and he began to suffer from acute psychotic episodes as he came to terms with his incident, eventually coming to believe that his affinity towards motorbikes was hereditary, a 'residual memory' of a previous life in the Mongolian Steppes. I'm certain you can see where this is going.   After only a month of unsuccesful counselling and therapy, Janowski fled his home with a small handful of supplies and made his way into the Concrete Forest. In spite of having only the skills you would expect from a petty delinquent, Janowski not only survived in the barrens but thrived, scrounging parts from abandoned/destroyed vehicles and eventually constructing his own rudimentary motorcycle. The Polish migrant's son had truly died, and in his place the Khan was born.   And you know how the rest goes.


Drop-out from Raleigh Charter High School, no higher education.


Unemployed, full-time go-gang leader.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2040 40 Years old
Raleigh, NC
Current Residence
Black, Braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
205 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Polish, Mongolian


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