Shiawase-Kurabokko Hisho-2078 Vehicle in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Shiawase-Kurabokko Hisho-2078

Written by: Coupe

  You can say a lot of things about Kurabokko Metahuman Technologies⁣⁣, but one thing you can't say is that they're inconsistant, having consistantly pushed for extended metahuman-presence on the warehouse floor and eschewing the whole 'lean staffing' deal. This means that a lot of peripheral jobs like administration and human resources have to have a lot of automation for the small number of salarymen in charge of that department to keep tabs on so many people. To facilitate this, Kurabokko called up Shiawase to design a new compact and versatile 'floor-supervisor' drone, and the result was the incredibly creepy Hisho-2078, now pattering its way through a warehouse near you!   I put 'new' in quotes because truth be told not much of the it's really new at all, it's more or less a stripped-down version of the Shiawase I-Doll with a few components from Kurabokko's own robotics division in the creepy little shell of the corp's kimono-clad mascot. According to Kurabokko's employee manual, these little things are meant as 'customer and employee liasons', answering questions through an online database and leading lost people to where they need to be, and they do the job pretty dang well, despite their (badly) synthesized child's voice occasionally being abruptly replaced with the voice of a tired rigger when someone asks a question outside of the Drone's ability to answer.   But of course, that's just the most PR friendly interpretation of its purpose. In truth, the thing's basically a mobile security-camera for making sure there aren't any employees loafing on company-time, and the head of stringy hair hides a pretty impressive sensor-suite.
I hear around the electric-grapevine it that Korubokko's recent investment into employee leisure time is in response to this little fella causing a moderate increase in stress levels every time they hear the pitter-patter of its feet! Makes you wonder if it's worth the extra monitoring, huh?
— Honest Angie
And that's not all it's hiding: Just in case someone breaks in, the thing's got one more trick up its sleeve: a gosh-darn machine-pistol. Okay, so it's one loaded with gel-rounds, but the fact is that plenty of intruders and runners have been caught off-guard when the synthetic hair on this thing parts and a gun barrel pokes out of the middle of the face. I sure as heck know I was.   As a side-note: as part of Kurabokko's design and manufacturing contract with Shiawase, a base version of the Hisho's being sold out on the market for other companies to keep tabs on their employees, as well as to see if they can get a competitor in against Aztechnology's Juan as a housekeeping drone. These versions don't have a weapon-mount, but all the space and fixtures for the mount are still inside, wink wink.
I can see how you can use one of these to infiltrate a place that's already got Hishos wandering around, but it's still a niche purchase for us, don't you think?
— Cr4nk
It might not get as much use as other drones, but at least it's something you can put a housekeeping autosoft in and have it do chores, unlike your Steel Lynx. Even the Rampart has a couple of 'em in their storehouse.
— Saint-Ain't
KMT Main Logo by CherryTea
Hisho, The Company-Yokai
"Always behind you, ready to help!"
Anthroform Drone (Pilot Walker)
Standard Upgrades
Realistic Features (1)


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