Osito Character in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Mr. Paulo De Leon

Written by: Null Kit

  The Cártel de Michoacán Nueva Generación are not unreasonable in their intentions of keeping their leadership in the shadows as much as possible - especially considering their 'alleged' connections to the Aztechnology megacorporation - but there are merits to having a 'face', a defined face of leadership for subordinates to respect and fear in equal measure.   For the CMNG, this face is Osito, the 'little bear'. A former captain of Los Decas cartel who dodged the fate of his compatriots by agreeing to work for Aztlan as the CMNG's public shot-caller under a new identity. Osito maintains a perpetual and somewhat dissonant air of calm and jocularity in his management of the cartel's tactical affairs, in spite of his comprehensive combat-cyberware and reputation for 'front-line leadership', having personally led subordinates into committing acts of unmatched brutality in his Los Decas days. He knows his limitations in larger-picture strategy, and is happy to let his superiors handle such things while he oversees day-to-day businesses of the cartel.   In the unlikely event that you find yourself parleying with the CMNG, it's likely that Osito or one of his direct subordinates will be contributing their experience and savvy to the conversation. If so, remember that in Osito's eyes, respect is everything, and respect follows fear.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Osito's physical presence and health are almost entirely dominated by the frighteningly extensive cyberware implanted into his body over the decades, much of it military-specification and chosen with the express purpose of enhancing his already formiddable combat capabilities. Of particular note are his 'golden eyes' - a pair of Aztechnology EZLF MK-XI combat-cybereyes with a distinctive gold-plated covering over the brow and nasal bridge - and his namesake 'bear claws' - a set of custom-made spurs that implement strands of taught monowire in their design.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of Osito's upbringing prior to his criminal career has been deliberately obfuscated, both by Los Decas and the CMNG, and what we have written down is of insufficient reliability to be taken as 100% truthful. What we can be fairly certain of is that he was born and raised around the Gulf of Mexico under the name Richard Alvirez, After multiple charges of misdemeanour level crimes, Alvirez followed his brother's footsteps in joining Los Decas to make ends meet and begin fueling his growing fascination with cyberware, following installation of a set of cyberears to treat his congenital deafness.   Alvirez's talents in violence and task-management quickly settled into the position of a cartel captain's right-hand man, handling day-to-day minutia with a high degree of observancy and an eagerness to exceed expectations that bordered (and often outright slipped into) naked bloodlust. The man himself stated that his only concern at that point besides the money and power than entraptures everyone in 'the game' was to demonstrate the formidable capabilities of his combat-oriented cyberware, a desire that was only enflamed upon his awakening into a so-called physical adept.
Happens a lot in burnouts. Many of 'em got chromed up before they knew they had the spark, sunk-cost fallacies ensue and they decide to go all the way.
— Saint Ain't
Alvirez's capabilities led to him rising quickly through the ranks and prestiges of Los Decas despite his young age, but once he had became a captain in all but name, his advancement slowed to a halt. Not out of a failure to meet standards or goals, but of personal volition, as Alvirez knew he was at his best managing short-term tacticia, and that his talents would be wasted on long-term strategizing. This earned him a degree of ire from the more competitive minded peers of the cartel, but may have contributed greatly to Alvirez' survival and temporary evasion of authorities when Aztlan finally cracked down on Los Decas and began annihilating the cartel from the top down.   Eventually, authorities were able to track down Alvirez to an isolated cabin in a remote town, having been identified by a local that was ironically in witness-protection for a previous matter involving Los Decas. After a brief but violent altercation, Alvirez was succesfully detained and brought to Aztechnology's authorities. For several years, Alvirez served time in a maximum-security penitentiary where, despite the corporation's many attempts at interrogation, he refused to willingly divulge any information on his former colleagues.
They didn't get a mage to probe his grey-matter?
— Hi-Jinx
Easier said than done. Plenty of rumors of mages digging through the minds of psychos and coming out fucked up from it...
— Cr4nk
It was only in 2073 that Alvirez left the penitentiary. No information on Los Decas was conceded - mainly because Aztechnology already had all they needed - but his talents in cartel management were simply too valuable to be wasted in a prison, and in exchange for his complete cooperation, Alvirez was given a new identity of Paulo De Leon, along with cutting-edge cyberware (to replace the chrome confiscated at his arrest) and a new responsibility as the new captain and face of the Cártel de Michoacán Nueva Generación's presence in Raleigh.
Year of Birth
2034 46 Years old
Gold, Prosthetic
Black, Receding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
212 lbs.
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Spanish, English


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