Kurabokko Kanabo Pressure-Driver Item in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Kurabokko Kanabo Pressure-Driver

Written by: Ripshot

  So this little ditty isn't really a weapon, it's an industrial powertool, but even the workers at Kurabokko warehouses are using it that way so it gets an honorable mention, and you're gonna have to live with that chummer.   The Kanabo's a modern take on powder-actuated tools, which use cartridges of explosive powder to push a piston forward and push nails through concrete, mostly the same principals that a gun works on, only without the range. This tool uses a similar concept but takes advantage of fancy alloys and structural-design to put a lot more punch behind its piston.
So enlighten me: Why do warehouse workers need something that can drive nails through reinforced concrete?
— Zero Onyx
Officially? Re-sealing crates, fastening reinforcement-lattices over fragile cargo, punching out rivets and bolts from the other side, so on and so forth. Not a bad tool for precision application of force.
— Nocte
Usually, the Kanabo needs its muzzle pressed hard against something for the safety interlock to disengage, but later models had an option to turn this off with an RFID signal for 'maintenence purposes'. But when that signal's frequency got leaked (and mysteriously left unchanged when the suits in Kurabokko found out), the territorial warehouse workers found it made for a pretty great improvised deterrant against intruders and shadowrunners. Tissue-damage might not be excellent and it's pretty clumsy to use even with the muzzle-safety off, but that nail's gonna punch deep.   Trust me on this; if you're raiding a Kurabokko warehouse, keep your distance from this bad boy. Better yet: Get one yourself and watch for 'splashback'.
KMT Main Logo by CherryTea
Item type
Weapon, Melee
3.9 KG
Base Price
Exotic Melee

The weapon holds a single blank-cartridge that must be replaced after every attack, requiring a Complex Action to do so. Replacement cartridges can be purchased in packs of ten for 12¥


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