Barghest Thorhammer CQB-Surfaces Item in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Barghest Thorhammer CQB-Surfaces

Written by: Null Kit

  Many Shadowrunners see the cyberarm not just as a replacement for a limb lost (or discarded) but as a foundation to further weaponise their body. While some intergrate sophisticated retractable blades, electroshock surfaces and even firearms to give themselves a deadly edge, others are simply content with the ability to throw a metal-gilded punch hard enough to give their foes a compound skull-fracture. Barghest Precision Machining, while typically known for appealing to the former school of thought, have made a concession to the latter with one of their recent innovations, the Thorhammer CQB-Surface.   The Thorhammer is in short a series of modifications to a user's cyberlimb made to optimise them for hand-to-hand striking attacks. Reinforced structural latices, shaped metal/ceramic striking-surfaces and fluid-motion actuators are installed on key-points to maximise potential impact and penetration of hand-to-hand strikes beyond what is provided by the strength and materials of a cyberlimb alone. The forces involved in these new optimised systems are sufficiently great that, unlike many other cyber-implanted weapons, the Thorhammer surfaces cannot be installed directly into flesh-and-blood metahuman limbs without sufficient reinforcement of the user's skeletal structure.   As these implants still technically fall into the same legal category as knuckle-dusters and shock gloves, the Thorhammer enjoys less legal restrictions than many other cyber-implanted weaponry, making it popular among smaller security-groups and bodyguards looking for extra pep to their CQC capabilities without the legal worries of carrying spurs or hand-razors, and other corps are offering enough competitor CQB-Surface systems that Barghest's screening and regulation of implantees is unlikely to be an issue.
Other corps might have aped the Thorhammer's core designs, but they can't copy Barghest's manufacturing quality and patented polyalloys. Expect more hairline-cracks and fractures if you go off-brand.
— Anonymous poster
Per Limb (Rating 1-3)

Base Price
Rating x 2,600¥
Rating x 0.2
Rating x 2
CQB-Surfaces increase the physical damage and AP of the unarmed-attack of the limb they're installed into by 1 point per rating, up to a maximum of +3P and -3AP respectively, and cannot be installed into non-cyber limbs unless the metahuman in question has bone-lacing or bone-density augmentations.


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