Barghest Pendragon Incendiary-Shells Item in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Barghest Pendragon Incendiary-Shells

Written by: Ripshot

  In this humble ork's opinion, it's hard to improve on the perfection of a standard shotty shell, but that's never stopped people from trying. Last century, a dude once looked at his 12-gauge and decided he wanted it to set things on fire, so he invented what we call Dragon's Breath shells, which belch a cloud of superheated magnesium shards for a hundred or so feet infront of the weapon. Pretty, but ultimately a five-dollar novelty shell. Then comes Barghest Precision Machining, who decide they want to take the concept and make it into something people will actually buy for legitimate useage, and they eventually come up with the Pendragon shell.   What's it like? Short answer, holy shit. Long answer, holy shit! Every shell's packed with six frangible pellets made from some fucked-up proprietary tetraphosphoric alloy filled with magnesium-grain, which keep a pretty good aerodynamic flight path even after they ignite. Anything they hit short of actual fireproofed gear is guaranteed to ignite as these things explode on impact, leaving a crater of sparkling, incandescent death. Thankfully, the stuff doesn't like to stick to skin but that doesn't matter as much when they're cooking off hot enough to give you third and fourth-degree burns.
Goes without saying: These things will heat up your gat faster than your usual loads, so make sure any intergrated electronics are specced for extreme heat-resistants.
— Vulcan Gravy
Barghest started with a .410 gauge version of these bad boys with a single pellet inside to market as a 'self-defence indendiary deterrant', marketing it as something that law-enforcement and corpsec could load into a pistol or cybergun and scare off rioters with, but that angle got dropped once pencil-pushers started whining about liberal drek like 'collateral damage' or 'unnecesarilly cruel deaths'. So, like the original inspiration, Barghest started selling these as novelty-items and brush clearing devices for gardeners and the like, keeping the formula mostly unchanged but slapping on a few hundred warnings about never ever using it to shoot at animals or people.   Can't help but wonder if this is how mages feel whenever they throw a fireball, am I right?
Item type
0.39 KG
Base Price
200¥ Per 10 shots
Damage Modifier
Pendragon shells change the type of damage from Physical to Fire (See core rulebook, Pg. 171), reduce attack range to Light Pistol range, and when loaded into a shotgun can fire in a spread, similar to Flechette rounds. When a critical glitch is rolled in attempting to fire a Pendragon shell, the weapon misfires and detonates the pellets prematurely: When this happens, you must resist one “attack” with a Damage Value equal to the normal damage done by the weapon (with appropriate ammo modifiers). The attack misses its intended target, and the weapon is melted into molten slag.


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