The Second Moon Myth in Shadowland | World Anvil
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The Second Moon


Back in the 1st Age, after the Light had come to the world, the world was Shadowed by two moons, Etid and Ynmo. The tides were rough, the nights were bright and the people still lived in the caves honeycombing the planet. Seudon saw their people in fear of the light and while they could not fight the light directly, they saw Etid and Ynmo and knew that the brother moons reflected the Light and Seudon could trick them into fighting. Seudon told each brother that the Light had told them that their job was to protect the planet from monsters from the deep (It had) and that they had seen a giant worm coming from one part of the deep part of the sky (also true). After many days of staring into the deep, the brothers started to jostle and bump each other, as brothers are want to do. Ynmo, being the larger of the brothers shoved Etid so hard he fell over and cracked his skull, and his blood fell to the planet drenching it in fire. You can still see Etid's body circling the world as it turns.

Historical Basis

The two moons did once actually exist, though obviously neither had sentience. The collision almost wiped all life off the surface of the planet.
Date of Setting
During the 1st Age
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