Haenotzdume Settlement in Shadowland | World Anvil
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Jewel of the Republic


Capital of the Hetzen Republic, Haenotzdume was founded in the dying days of the old Empire. When the army of the Empire stumbled from its war with the Western continent, the ruins of the (Hound species) in the army sailed for first land, arriving back where the city now stands with weariness in their hearts.   Being the last of the travelling army, the people set up shop with little to stop them, a civil war taking the attention of the segmenting empire. The settlement of soldiers attempted to set up a military camp, but soon found that too many soldiers of the same rank had survived. And so the first council was formed.  

The First Temple

The first temple was built with the integration of the camp with the local Demid population. The locals were semi-cave dwelling and so the military was reminded and strengthened with their connections to the Light/Seudon dichotomy. The first temple also served as a living dwelling for many of the Demid who sought to join the settlement on a longterm basis. Combining the structural and seigework knowledge of the sappers, and the stoneworking knowledge of the locals, the temple was built from mined stone, with all who worked on it, given either residence to stay, or put on the list for assistance in making their own dwelling. A large portion of the army's slave population was thus made into land owning patrons by the end of the endeavor.   The temple was orginally split into two halves, with a section dedicated to the light at the front of the temple, with Seudon respesented at the rear. However as the market square grew up and the Night Markets begun to be held, the Temple was soon recast to the Light and his sons, after a vote by the council at the time.  

The Inner Wall.

With the civil war of the old empire over, reports of the western continent landing again on the western side started to appear. Reminded of their history as survivors of the army of the old Empire, the council reached out to nearby towns. Setting up a beacon system for communication, they also set up to build a wall around the temple and buildings of the time with a gate manned by 4 (hound species), so that the farmers of the settlement could retreat inside and be housed at the Temple.   Reinforced again after the construction of the second wall, the core being stone mined from the local hills.


Taxation comes from a fee paid to collectors at the morning after the 3rd full moon, of any land owning resident, amounting to 1/36th their worth. Auditors, check the owner's worth 2 weeks after the fee payment night.

Industry & Trade

Tourism is a large draw, being the sight of the great temple to the Light.


The city contains a sprawling sewer system. Public baths and drainage. A large waterwheel that powers a grain mill.


A warehouse near the port.
Alternative Name(s)
Newwater City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
30% (Hound Species), 40% Demid, 20% Human, 10% (Sauran species)
Owning Organization

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