Madragil's Steel in Shadar | World Anvil

Madragil's Steel

Sometimes shortened to “Mad’s Steel” or called “Mad’s Swords”, this Devilblood Company is one of the newest significant companies of note in the Imperial Fractals, coming into wider renown within the past decade. It is less of a company, and more of a cult of personality surrounding Mattias Madragil - the nephew to the Empress Sabatine Aranetta, son of her brother Ezra who passed away before her reign. Mattias used this relative notoriety to amass this company of sellswords around him, expanding to claim the title of a Devilblood Company and gaining a reputation as underhanded and violent combatants.   Their crest is a spiked crown of daggers often engraved into a metal disk worn as a medallion around the neck or placed on the pommel of their swords. Members of this company often wear dark colored leathers and have multiple swords and daggers sheathed across their body.  


Despite their distant relation to the Empress, the group does not appear to receive special contracting or treatment from the Valedori Empire. In fact, other Devilblood Companies have taken poorly to their rise, such as The Red Riders who consider themselves rivals and have pushed Madragil’s Steel out of much of the inland regions of the Southmark towards the coast of the Fractal. It is still common to find members of Mad’s Swords in places such as Port Illenora and Reina's Landing - but the rivalry between companies has forced them to take up jobs leading them as far as the Silvermark and the Nimbus Sea.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk