Foefire Company in Shadar | World Anvil

Foefire Company

Perhaps the largest and most in-demand of the Devilblood Companies today, the Foefire Company has made their name as the most famed monster hunters of the Age of Darkness - continuing their expertise into the modern day with an elite group of Bloodhunters in their ranks who practice a body-altering form of alchemy that is aided by a partnership with the Reykhold College of Alchemy.   Today they operate mostly out of the Northmark and Eastmark of the Valedori Empire, with guild halls in Lowland Bend, Reyk's Fallow, Grey's Mooring, and Csillasgrad - though they have had more of a presence in Valedor and Fort Ramsgate in recent years. Their crest is a single flame that is often cast in metal or sewn into their armor with a blue or green color. Many carry alchemical torches or weapon oil that can alight in a blue or green flame.  


What makes the Foefire Company such experts in monster hunting is their Bestiary - a codex of monsters discovered by the company, including detailed notes on how to defeat them. These tomes are carried by many of the established groups within the company, and are regularly up-kept by the guild. The envy of scholars, these tomes are the collective power of each hunter and make it the most knowledgeable of the Devilblood Companies by a long shot.  


Because of this expertise and unique knowledge of the Foefire Company, this has led them to have built connections with many guilds across the Valedori Empire - making them in high demand for the most challenging work available. Most recently they have been tasked to work with the Imperial Army in Fort Ramsgate to begin the exploration and cleansing of Fractals in the Nimbus Sea on behalf of the empire. While this would normally be outside of the desires of such a group, the opportunity to expand the Bestiary is unique and enough to draw the interest of many of the company’s leaders.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk