Seven seals The Fall of Charlemagne the Great

The Fall of Charlemagne the Great

Military: Battle


A collection of Merchant Guilds, Pirate clans, and noble warriors were united under the singular cause of defeating the rogue Thinking Machine, Charlemagne the Great, a being who had sought to eradicate all biological life. The gates to Charlemagne's core were guarded well by his 12 Companions, a new race of artificial synthetic life, fittingly dubbed 'Companions'. Charlemagne's 12 stalwart warriors were; Anseis-57. Berengir-53. Engelir-26. Gerad-78. GerER-03. Gerin-50. Olivur-62. Oton-47. Roliand-96. SAMSON-34. Yvoire-82. Yvon-30. The 12 Companions and their legions proved to be especially dangerous to defeat, dragging out the last battle on the Ides where the Thinking Machine resided. Their hold on Ides was broken by Jamie Valentine who pierced the barrier, slaying SAMSON-34 and Anseis-57, allowing the bulk of the remaining forces entry to Charlemagne's core, destroying it without mercy. The remaining Companions were captured and Ides was destroyed.   This marked the first victory of what would grow to become The United Stellar Commonwealth.

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