The Law of Regression and The Law of Causality Physical / Metaphysical Law in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Law of Regression and The Law of Causality

REGRESSION; Nothing matters, let all things re-merge with the primordial CRUCIBLE. CAUSALITY; If nothing matters, we must apply meaning to whatever we want.

The Law of Regression & Causality

Everything that ever was, is, or will be this very real, emerges from the CRUCIBLE: the Source of Creation. The Honored Great One emerged from the CRUCIBLE and created the Oververse which sustains itself with the Law of Causality to prevent it from regressing back into the CRUCIBLE. Causality is the created meaning between concepts, people, and places. Sense and logic apply order and reason, the very laws of creation which prevent regression back into the CRUCIBLE.   The Law of Regression seeks to revert all creation and concepts back into the CRUCIBLE. The Law of Causality gives meaningful relationships between all things to oppose regression for a time. Regression can be referred to as Khaos as reason does not apply there, regression itself will break down all systems and order, given enough time.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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