The Absolute Guide to Inter-Realm Travel, Starships, & Transportation Vehicle in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Absolute Guide to Inter-Realm Travel, Starships, & Transportation

Faster Than Light Travel

Inter-Realm Travel in this cosmos is made possible through the use of Bifrost Crystals. These powerful objects have the ability to capture and hold the Light of the Realm Álfheim. By integrating the Bifrost Crystal into a LANTERN, we are able to create a vessel that can travel between Realms. Realms are connected via the Branches of Yggdrasil, the great World Tree that spans the multiverse. By utilizing the Light of Álfheim, a LANTERN can navigate these Branches and travel between Realms.
However, the flow of inter-Realm travel is carefully controlled through the use of Realm Gates. These Gates act as throttles on the entry and exit points between Realms, ensuring that traffic is properly managed and monitored. In the event that a Realm becomes severed from the Branches of Yggdrasil, a LANTERN is no longer an effective means of travel. At this point, we must turn to the power of the Void.
The Void is the embodiment of Ginnungagap, the space between spaces. By appeasing Ginnungagap, we can unlock the power of the Void and reach otherwise unreachable locations. This is achieved through the use of a Void Space Engine, or VSE. The VSE is a powerful tool that allows us to harness the power of the Void and travel to even the most isolated and distant Realms. However, the power of the Void must be approached with caution and respect, as it can be a dangerous and unpredictable force.
Realm Travel, which typically involves traversing Realms containing planets, stars, and galaxies, is made possible through the use of Fold-Space Engines. These engines are able to fold the fabric of space itself, allowing travel between any two points in a Realm. The technology behind Fold-Space Engines is highly advanced and requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles of space-time. By manipulating the very fabric of space, FSEs are able to create a shortcut between two points, reducing travel time significantly. One of the key advantages of Fold-Space Engines is their versatility. They can be used to travel vast distances across a Realm or to move quickly and efficiently within a single system. This makes them ideal for a wide range of travel needs, from long-distance exploration to rapid-response tactical maneuvers.
While the Fold-Space Engine is an incredible technological feat, they are typically reserved for larger vessels and military operations due to its high cost and complex maintenance requirements. For commercial and civilian transportation, a more accessible option is the use of Solar Rails. Solar Rails are massive structures placed at strategic junctions where the fabric of space is slightly weaker. These structures act as a sort of interstellar highway, allowing starships to travel quickly and efficiently between different systems.
Ownership of Solar Rails is typically divided among different parties, with each owner responsible for maintaining and operating their own section. To travel along a Solar Rail, a starship must make a connection with the owning party and pay a tax or fee for the use of the infrastructure. One of the key advantages of Solar Rails is their accessibility. Unlike Fold-Space Engines, which require highly specialized technology and expertise, Solar Rails can be used by a wide range of starships and crews. This makes them ideal for commercial transportation, as well as civilian travel and exploration.
However, the use of Solar Rails is not without its risks. Traveling along these structures can be dangerous, and proper safety protocols must be followed to ensure the safety of all involved. Additionally, the ownership and control of Solar Rails can be a source of tension and conflict between different factions and civilizations.

In the early days of interstellar exploration, before the advent of Fold-Space Engines or Solar Rails, starship pilots relied on a technology known as Jump Drives. These devices allowed for a series of small distance space jumps, typically between 30-35, before requiring a recharge. Jump Drives were often used by explorers and scouts to chart new territories and navigate through uncharted regions of the multiverse. However, the technology was not without its limitations. Jump Drives were notoriously imprecise and unreliable, making it difficult to navigate with any degree of accuracy.
Despite these limitations, Jump Drives continue to be used in modern times, particularly in the context of starfighters and escape pods. The ability to make quick jumps over short distances can be critical in situations where speed and agility are key, such as in combat or emergency situations. However, even in these applications, Jump Drives are not considered a reliable or precise means of travel. Other technologies, such as FSEs and Solar Rails, have surpassed Jump Drives in terms of speed, accuracy, and safety, making them the preferred choice for most interstellar travel needs.

Power Generation

Starships utilize different power sources depending on their size and function. The larger vessels typically employ one of the following types of engines
  • Black Hole Engine
  • Nuclear Fusion Core
The Black Hole Engine is a groundbreaking invention in the field of space travel. The concept behind it is to harness the immense energy produced by a black hole, a celestial object with a gravitational field so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. The first step in creating a Black Hole Engine is to locate a suitable black hole. This involves identifying a black hole that is large enough to produce a significant amount of energy but small enough to avoid being consumed by it. Once a suitable black hole is identified, the engine is constructed around it.
The Black Hole Engine works by using a process called accretion. Accretion is the accumulation of matter around a celestial object due to its gravitational attraction. In the case of a black hole, matter falls into its event horizon and spirals towards the singularity at its center. As the matter falls into the black hole, it releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of radiation. The Black Hole Engine harnesses this radiation and converts it into usable energy for powering starships. This is done through a process known as the Penrose process, which involves extracting energy from the rotational motion of the black hole. The rotational energy is extracted by creating a region of negative energy, which causes some of the particles in the accretion disk to escape the black hole's gravitational pull.
The energy released by the escaping particles is then harnessed and converted into usable energy. This process is highly efficient, as the black hole can release a massive amount of energy from a relatively small amount of matter. Despite the potential benefits of the Black Hole Engine, there are also significant risks associated with its use. Black holes are incredibly dangerous, and any miscalculation could result in catastrophic consequences. Additionally, the energy released by a black hole can have significant environmental impacts, such as the disruption of nearby celestial bodies.
The Nuclear Fusion Core utilizes advanced magnetic fields to contain and control a plasma made of deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of hydrogen. When these isotopes are fused, they release a tremendous amount of energy in the form of high-energy particles, which can be harnessed to power starships.
One of the main advantages of the Nuclear Fusion Core is that it provides a safe and reliable source of energy, without the risks associated with a Black Hole Engine. This technology does not produce any harmful radiation or environmental impacts. Additionally, the Nuclear Fusion Core allows for faster and more efficient space travel than ever before. With this technology, starships can travel much farther and faster, opening up new frontiers for exploration and colonization.

Weapons & Armament

Comparative Analysis of Kinetic Projectile Weapons and Energy-based Weapons

All offensive weaponry of a Starship is either a Kinetic Projectile Weapn (KPW) or an Energy-Based Weapon (EW). Kinetic Projectile Weapons are a type of weaponry that rely on the use of physical projectiles, such as bullets, to damage or destroy a target. First, we will discuss KPWs.

These weapons are based on the principles of physics and mechanics, and they work by accelerating a solid object to a high velocity and directing it toward a target. In this section, we will explore the mechanics of Kinetic Projectile Weapons and how they work in more detail. Firstly, let's consider the projectile itself. The projectile used in these weapons is typically a solid metal slug or bullet, which is designed to be aerodynamically stable and able to withstand high speeds and pressures. The projectile is loaded into a barrel, which is similar to that of a conventional firearm, and then accelerated to high speeds using an energy source such as a coilgun or railgun.
Coilguns and railguns are electromagnetic launchers that use powerful magnetic fields to accelerate the projectile. A coil gun consists of a series of coils that are energized in sequence to create a magnetic field that propels the projectile forward. A railgun, on the other hand, uses two parallel rails that are charged with high-voltage electricity. When the projectile is placed between the rails, it completes an electrical circuit and experiences a powerful electromagnetic force that propels it forward. Once the projectile has been accelerated to a high velocity, it is directed toward the target. The kinetic energy of the projectile is what causes damage to the target, as it is converted into heat and other forms of energy upon impact. The amount of damage that is caused by a kinetic projectile depends on the mass and velocity of the projectile, as well as the properties of the target.
Kinetic Projectile Weapons have several advantages over other types of weapons. Firstly, they do not rely on any kind of explosive or chemical reaction to function, which makes them safer and more reliable. Secondly, they are capable of delivering a lot of kinetic energy to a target without the need for a large amount of ammunition. This means that they can be more efficient and cost-effective in the long run. However, there are also some limitations to Kinetic Projectile Weapons. One of the biggest challenges is the heat generated during the firing process. When a projectile is accelerated to high speeds, it generates a lot of heat due to friction and other factors. This heat can cause damage to the weapon itself, and can also limit the rate of fire. Another challenge is accuracy, as the high velocities of the projectiles can make it difficult to aim and hit targets accurately.
Energy-based weapons work by converting various forms of energy into a directed beam or pulse that can be used to damage or destroy a target. In this section, we will explore the mechanics of Energy-based Weapons and how they work in more detail. There are several types of energy that can be used to power Energy-based Weapons. The most common forms of energy used in these weapons are electromagnetic radiation and plasma. Electromagnetic radiation includes various types of light, such as visible light, ultraviolet light, and X-rays. Plasma, on the other hand, is a highly ionized gas that can be created by heating a gas to extremely high temperatures.
The energy source for Energy-based Weapons can come from a variety of sources, such as batteries, reactors, or capacitors. The energy is then channeled through a series of lenses or other focusing devices that concentrate the energy into a directed beam or pulse. The most common types of Energy-based Weapons are lasers and particle beams. Lasers work by producing a highly focused beam of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to damage or destroy a target. Particle beams work by firing a stream of high-energy particles, such as protons or electrons, at a target.
One of the advantages of Energy-based Weapons is their high accuracy. These weapons can be very precise, allowing for targeted strikes on specific areas of a target. Additionally, Energy-based Weapons do not rely on physical projectiles, which means that they are not limited by ammunition capacity or weight. However, there are also some limitations to Energy-based Weapons. One of the biggest challenges is power consumption. These weapons require a lot of energy to function, which can make them less practical for extended battles or long-range engagements. Another challenge is atmospheric attenuation, which can cause the energy beam to weaken or disperse when passing through certain types of gases or other materials.
Outside of the prior two mentioned types, there exist serval other prominent types of armaments. These weapons are based on a variety of principles and technologies, and they all have their own advantages and limitations. In this section, we will explore some of these other types of weapons in more detail.
  1. Plasma-based Weapons: Plasma-based Weapons use plasma, a highly ionized gas, to produce a directed energy beam or pulse. These weapons can be very powerful and effective, but they also require a lot of energy to operate and can be difficult to control.
  2. Gravity-based Weapons: Gravity-based Weapons use gravitational fields to create a focused force that can be used to damage or destroy a target. These weapons can be very precise and have a long-range, but they also require a lot of energy to generate and can be affected by gravitational fields in the environment.
  3. Nanotechnology-based Weapons: Nanotechnology-based Weapons use microscopic machines or robots to attack a target on a molecular or cellular level. These weapons can be very precise and can cause a lot of damage without collateral damage, but they also require a lot of energy to operate and can be vulnerable to countermeasures.
  4. Chemical-based Weapons: Chemical-based Weapons use chemical reactions to produce a toxic gas or other substance that can be used to damage or incapacitate a target. These weapons can be effective, but they also pose a risk to friendly forces and can have long-term effects on the environment.
  5. Sonic-based Weapons: Sonic-based Weapons use sound waves to produce a focused force that can be used to damage or incapacitate a target. These weapons can be very effective, but they also require a lot of energy to generate and can be affected by the environment.
  6. Magnetic-based Weapons: Magnetic-based Weapons use magnetic fields to create a focused force that can be used to damage or destroy a target. These weapons can be very precise and have a long-range, but they also require a lot of energy to generate and can be affected by magnetic fields in the environment.
There are also weapons that harness magical energy to produce destructive effects. These weapons are known as Magic Weapons and are wielded by those who possess a deep understanding of the esoteric and mysterious nature of magic. Unlike other types of weapons, Magic Weapons cannot be easily explained or understood in terms of scientific principles. They harness the raw power of magic, which is often described as a force that permeates the universe and can be channeled by those with the ability to tap into it.
The specific effects of Magic Weapons can vary widely, depending on the wielder's skill and the nature of the magic being used. Some Magic Weapons may produce powerful blasts of energy, while others may cause a target to experience disorientation or confusion. Still, others may produce effects that are difficult to describe or quantify, such as the ability to manipulate time or space. One of the unique features of Magic Weapons is their ability to transcend physical barriers and affect targets on a spiritual or metaphysical level. This makes them particularly effective against opponents who are protected by physical armor or defenses.
However, Magic Weapons also come with their own set of limitations and risks. They require a deep understanding of magic and the ability to control it, which can take years of study and practice. Additionally, using Magic Weapons can take a toll on the wielder's physical and mental health, as the powerful energies involved can be overwhelming and difficult to control.

Armor and defense

A Comparative Study of Defensive Technologies: Armored Plating and Shield Generators

Starships are equipped with armor plating designed to protect them from the hazards of space warfare. These armor-plating systems are built using a variety of materials and technologies, each chosen for their ability to withstand the extreme temperatures, pressures, and forces of space combat. One of the primary materials used in starship armor plating is composite materials. These materials are made up of multiple layers of different materials, each with its own unique properties. For example, some composite materials may use layers of ceramics, metals, and polymers to create a lightweight yet durable armor system.
Another important factor in the design of starship armor plating is the use of structural reinforcement. This involves the use of internal bracing and support structures to distribute and absorb the forces of impacts and explosions. These structures may be made of materials such as carbon fiber, aluminum alloys, or advanced polymers. In addition to traditional materials, starship armor plating may also utilize advanced technologies such as force fields and energy shields. These systems use energy fields to deflect or absorb incoming projectiles or energy blasts, providing an additional layer of protection to the ship.
One of the key challenges in designing effective starship armor plating is balancing protection with weight and maneuverability. Heavier armor plating can provide greater protection, but can also slow down the ship and make it more difficult to maneuver in combat. As a result, designers must carefully balance these factors to create a system that provides adequate protection without compromising the ship's performance.

Shield generators create an energy field around the ship that can deflect or absorb incoming projectiles or energy blasts, providing an additional layer of protection beyond armor plating. Shield generators work by creating a barrier of energy around the ship. This barrier is created by projecting a stream of high-energy particles, such as plasma or ions, in a controlled pattern around the ship. This stream of particles creates a magnetic field that repels incoming attacks. One of the key advantages of shield generators is their versatility. Unlike armor plating, which can only provide protection against physical attacks, shield generators can also protect against energy-based attacks, such as laser beams or plasma bolts. This makes them a valuable defense system against a wide range of threats.
However, shield generators also have some limitations. They require a significant amount of power to operate, and sustained attacks can quickly deplete the ship's energy reserves. In addition, shield generators may be susceptible to certain types of attacks, such as electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), which can disrupt or disable the generator's energy field. To mitigate these limitations, shield generators may be designed with redundant systems or backup power sources to ensure that they can continue to operate even in the face of sustained attacks. Additionally, some shield generators may be designed to selectively block certain types of attacks, allowing them to conserve energy and extend their lifespan.  
While both serve the same purpose of protecting the ship and its crew, they operate in fundamentally different ways and offer unique advantages and limitations. Armor plating provides a physical barrier of protection against incoming attacks, absorbing the impact of projectiles and explosions. This type of protection is effective against physical attacks but may be less effective against energy-based attacks. Armor plating can also add weight to the ship, reducing its speed and maneuverability.
Shield generators, on the other hand, use energy fields to deflect or absorb incoming attacks. They offer protection against a wider range of attacks, including energy-based attacks, and can be more effective at stopping attacks that penetrate or bypass armor plating. However, shield generators require a significant amount of power to operate and can be vulnerable to certain types of attacks.
Ultimately, the effectiveness of armor plating versus shield generators depends on the specific circumstances of a battle. In some situations, armor plating may be more effective at providing the necessary protection, while in others, shield generators may be the better option. The most effective defensive strategy is often a combination of both systems, with armor plating providing a first line of defense and shield generators providing additional protection as needed.
In conclusion, both shield generators and armor plating are important defensive systems for starships in sci-fi space combat. Each system has unique advantages and limitations, and the most effective defensive strategy often involves a combination of both.
One way that starships can use magic to protect themselves is through the use of wards and seals. Wards are magical barriers that can be placed around a starship to keep out unwanted creatures or beings. These wards can take many forms, depending on the specific threat that the ship is facing. For example, a ward might be designed to keep out space-faring creatures with certain abilities or characteristics, such as telepathy or energy manipulation.
Seals, on the other hand, are magical markings or symbols that can be used to protect a starship or its crew. Seals can be placed on the ship itself or on individual crew members to protect them from harm or unwanted interference. For example, a seal might be placed on a crew member to protect them from psychic attacks or mind control. The exact nature of wards and seals can vary widely depending on the specific magical tradition or practice being used. Some wards and seals may be based on ancient rituals or symbols, while others may be created through more modern magical techniques.
One of the key advantages of wards and seals is their versatility. Unlike physical barriers or defenses, wards and seals can be tailored to the specific threats that a starship may face. They can also be quickly modified or adapted to respond to new threats or situations. However, wards and seals also have limitations. They require a significant amount of magical power to create and maintain and may be vulnerable to certain types of attacks or disruptions. Additionally, their effectiveness may be limited by the skill and experience of the individual or group creating them.

Communication Tools & Systems

Analysis of Two Distinctive Technologies for Interpersonal Communication: Communication Arrays and Holographic Decks

The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently over long distances is essential for the coordination and operation of starships. To achieve this, many ships use a Communications Array that operates on a Communications Network System. The Communications Array is a sophisticated piece of technology that allows a starship to transmit and receive information over long distances. The array is typically located on the exterior of the ship and consists of a series of antennas or transmitters that are designed to send and receive signals across the vastness of space.
The Communications Network System is a complex network of interconnected devices that allows starships to communicate with one another in real-time. This network includes not only the Communications Arrays on each ship but also a series of relays and nodes that help to route signals between ships and across great distances. One of the key advantages of the Communications Network System is its ability to transmit information quickly and accurately. This allows starships to coordinate their movements and actions in real-time, even when they are separated by vast distances. For example, ships can use the network to share tactical information, coordinate attacks, or request assistance from other ships in the fleet.
However, the Communications Network System is also vulnerable to certain types of interference and disruptions. Electromagnetic interference from nearby stars or cosmic radiation can disrupt or distort signals, making it more difficult to transmit information accurately. Additionally, the network may be vulnerable to hacking or other forms of cyber attacks. In order to mitigate these risks, many starships use advanced encryption and security protocols to protect their communications. They may also use redundant or backup systems to ensure that communications can be maintained even in the event of an equipment failure or attack.
A holographic deck is a device that uses advanced holographic technology to create a three-dimensional image of a person or object. This image can then be transmitted over long distances using the ship's communications systems. The holographic deck is typically located in a secure area of the ship and is operated by a designated crew member. The holographic deck is often used for sending pre-recorded messages over long distances. For example, a ship might use the deck to send a message to a distant colony or outpost, informing them of a change in plans or providing updated information about a mission. The holographic deck can also be used for transmitting sensitive information that cannot be transmitted in real-time using the Communications Network System.
One of the key advantages of the holographic deck is its greater level of security. Because the messages are pre-recorded and transmitted as a hologram, they are less vulnerable to interception or hacking than live communications. Additionally, the holographic deck can be programmed to only transmit messages to designated recipients, further enhancing its security. However, the holographic deck does have limitations. Because it relies on pre-recorded messages, it cannot be used for live communication or real-time coordination between ships. It also requires a significant amount of storage space to store the pre-recorded messages, which can be a limiting factor on smaller ships.
Communications between planets, star systems, galaxies, and other dimensional realms are facilitated through the use of specialized space stations known as communications hubs or listening posts. These massive stations exist solely to facilitate the transfer of information for organizations, governments, and other entities and are a critical component of interstellar communication.
These communications hubs are typically planet-sized and are equipped with advanced communication technology capable of transmitting data over vast distances. They are strategically located throughout the galaxy to facilitate communication between different regions and serve as a springboard for passing information off to the next hub, getting it closer to its intended destination. Most major empires and governments have their own communications hubs, which are typically heavily fortified and guarded to prevent unauthorized access. However, smaller powers can also make use of private communications hubs, paying for the right to use them and transmit their own information.
The process of transmitting information through the communications network begins with the sender transmitting their message to the nearest communications hub. The hub then processes the message, encrypts it for security, and sends it on to the next hub in the network, getting it closer to its intended destination. The speed at which information can be transmitted through the network depends on a variety of factors, including the distance between hubs, the level of encryption used, and the current level of network congestion. In some cases, it may take days or even weeks for a message to reach its destination.


Starships are equipped with a variety of external and internal sensors to help them navigate through space and detect potential threats. These sensors are a critical component of starship design and can mean the difference between a successful mission and a disaster. The following are a few sensors that all starships should aim to implement, but the exact amount and type depend on the vessel and the mission at hand. External sensors are typically mounted on the exterior of the ship and are used to scan the surrounding space for potential hazards, such as asteroids, debris, or enemy ships. Some of the most common types of external sensors include:
  • Radar: This sensor emits radio waves that bounce off objects in the surrounding space, allowing the ship's crew to detect their presence and location.
  • LIDAR: Similar to radar, LIDAR emits laser beams that bounce off objects in space to detect their presence and location.
  • Visual sensors: These sensors use cameras or other imaging technology to capture images of the surrounding space, allowing the crew to visually identify potential hazards.
  • Infrared sensors: These sensors detect heat signatures from objects in space, allowing the crew to identify potential threats even in the absence of visible light.
Internal sensors, on the other hand, are located within the ship itself and are used to monitor the ship's systems and crew. Some of the most common types of internal sensors include:
  • Life support sensors: These sensors monitor the air quality, temperature, and other conditions within the ship to ensure the safety and well-being of the crew.
  • Power distribution sensors: These sensors monitor the ship's power systems, ensuring that power is being distributed correctly and that there are no malfunctions.
  • Navigation sensors: These sensors monitor the ship's position and trajectory, helping the crew to navigate through space and avoid hazards.
  • Damage control sensors: These sensors monitor the ship's structure and systems for damage, allowing the crew to quickly identify and repair any problems.

The Starship Manufacturers

five Mega-Corporations hold over 60% of the shipyard business within the vast cosmos.
  • The Majorico Girgenti Group (Luxury Ships)
  • The Allgemeiner Maschinenbau Company (Military Ships)
  • Boston Industries (Low-End Civilian Ships)
  • Tatake Shipyards (High-End Civilian Ships)
  • Kwatiri Technologies Inc. (Commerical Ships)

The Majorico Girgenti Group

"Excellence + Power"
Majorico Girgenti is a premier luxury starship manufacturer that is renowned for delivering exceptional design and cutting-edge technology. Our starships are built to exacting standards and are characterized by their sleek, exotic, and distinctive appearance, making them stand out in any Drydock. We take great pride in producing starships that are not only visually stunning but also deliver outstanding performance. Our ships are expensive, but this is a reflection of their exceptional ability and cutting-edge technology. When you buy a Majorico Girgenti starship, you are not only buying a name, but you are also investing in excellence and power.
Our starships are equipped with the latest high-tech features, including fully integrated AI, real-time long-range communication decks, auto-call, and auto-landing, to name just a few. These features come as standard and are a testament to our commitment to delivering the best in luxury and performance. At Majorico Girgenti, we focus exclusively on producing high-end civilian starships. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in everything we do, and our motto "Excellence + Power" underscores our commitment to delivering the best in every aspect of our business.
It is this unwavering commitment to excellence and power that has made us the preferred choice of criminal higher-ups and government officials alike. Whether you are seeking the ultimate in luxury and comfort or the latest in cutting-edge technology and performance, Majorico Girgenti is the perfect choice for your interstellar travel needs.

The Allgemeiner Maschinenbau Company

"Präzision, Qualität und Innovation"
Welcome to Allgemeiner Maschinenbau Co. (AMC), where precision, quality, and innovation come together to create top-of-the-line starships for military clients. As the premier engineering company in the industry, we specialize in designing and manufacturing starships to extremely specific measurements based on the unique needs of each client. Our commitment to privacy is second to none, with all ship plans and blueprints destroyed immediately upon order completion to ensure complete confidentiality.
At AMC, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality work that exceeds the expectations of our clients. Our team of expert engineers and designers utilizes the latest technology and cutting-edge techniques to create starships that are reliable, secure, and built to last. From top-secret starfighters to larger vessels, we can handle any project with precision and expertise.
Our motto, "Präzision, Qualität und Innovation," reflects our dedication to delivering top-quality starships that are designed to meet the exact specifications of our clients. We believe in pushing the boundaries of what is possible and are always striving to innovate and improve our designs. So if you need a new starship for your military operations, look no further than AMC. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your mission with a starship built with precision, quality, and innovation.  

Boston Industries

"If I Had a Hosar..."
Welcome to the universe of Boston Industries! We are a renowned shipyard that specializes in providing high-quality, reliable, and affordable starships for your interstellar needs. Our starships are crafted with precision and care, ensuring that they can withstand the rigors of long-term space travel. At Boston Industries, we understand the value of a hard-earned Hosar, and that's why we offer the best value-for-money starships in the galaxy. Whether you need a cargo ship or a hauler for your commercial operations, we have got you covered.
Our starships may not boast the latest technological advancements, but they are built to last and offer unparalleled durability. They can weather any storm and take you to the farthest reaches of the universe with reasonable maintenance. Join the ranks of satisfied customers who rely on Boston Industries for all their interstellar travel needs. With our motto "If I Had a Hosar ..." every time a Boston Industries starship lands without crashing, you can trust that our starships are built to the highest standards of quality.

The Tatake Shipyards

"A ship you can trust. A vessel you can call home."
Tatake is a renowned shipyard that has become a household name for producing high-quality and reliable ships for everyman. While they may not be as technologically advanced as Majorico Girgenti ships, their ships are still a cut above the rest. Tatake only focuses on producing ships for civilian clients, ensuring that they are the best in the business when it comes to catering to the needs of ordinary individuals. They are the cream of the crop in terms of quality and reliability, making them the perfect choice for those who are looking for a ship that they can trust and call home. Their motto "A Ship you can trust. a vessel you can call home" is a testament to their commitment to producing ships that will serve as reliable companions for years to come. Choose Tatake for a ship that will meet all your needs and expectations, and become a part of the countless satisfied customers who have made Tatake their go-to shipyard.

Kwatiri Technologies Incorporated

"Our Work Speaks for Itself."
KTI's commitment to safety and quality assurance has earned them a reputation as a household name in the industry. Their top-notch engineering team is dedicated to creating the safest and most efficient starships, ensuring that their work speaks for itself. Their vessels are built to last and are meticulously tested to ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality.
If you're looking for a starship that you can rely on to get you and your cargo safely to your destination, KTI is the company to trust. With their focus on safety and quality, you can rest assured that your investment in a KTI starship is one that will pay off for years to come. So why settle for anything less than the best? Choose Kwatiri Technologies Inc. and experience the difference that comes with a commitment to excellence.
  • Star-Fighter: These nimble combat ships are the backbone of any fleet's air superiority force, with a focus on close-range engagements and dogfights. They require highly skilled pilots to operate and are usually flown by only one or two pilots at a time.
  • Sloop: These versatile vessels can operate independently or in support of Star-Fighters. They are also known as patrol ships and can provide extra firepower to any fleet.
  • Frigate: The most versatile ship in any Navy, the Frigate is highly adaptable and can fill many roles. It packs more punch than a Sloop and is ideal for patrolling captured worlds in a domestic setting.
  • Corvette: These ships patrol the borders of a system and serve as a deterrent to enemy attacks. They are highly maneuverable and equipped with advanced weapons and armor.
  • Destroyer: These ships are a step above Frigates and have considerably more weapons and armaments. When grouped together, they can deliver a devastating blow to any unlucky enemy ship.
  • Cruiser (Light/ Heavy): These independent ships can lead fleets or hunt down outlaws and pirates on their own. Light cruisers have fewer weapons, while Heavy cruisers are geared toward war.
  • Battlecruiser: The successor to the Cruiser, the Battlecruiser sacrifices durability, and independence for greater firepower and mobility. They excel in chasing or hunting down enemy ships.
  • Battleship: These heavily armed and armored ships are the slowest in a fleet but pack the most firepower. Their job is to deny enemy escape or reinforcements by sitting down at a choke point and raining down a barrage of fire.
  • Carrier: These large vessels are solely dedicated to carrying and deploying Star-Fighters in battle. They have practically no weapons and armaments and require an escort to be effective.
  • Dreadnought: The ultimate fleet killer, the Dreadnought can match or overcome any fleet in the galaxy. Its arrival signals the end of a battle, and it is revered and feared by all admirals and captains.
  • Troop Transport: These ships move large amounts of ground forces from one location to another safely and efficiently. They have some weapons and armaments but primarily focus on delivering troops to the fight.
  • Barracks Lander: These mobile bases are used exclusively by ground forces and provide housing for soldiers during long operations. They can also serve as outposts and fortresses.
  • Arsenal Ship: These ships specialize in the movement and storage of ammo, weapons, tools, and supplies for other Starships or ground forces. They require an escort and are not meant to engage in direct combat. They can also repair other ships within the fleet on the fly.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
— tab] is not free.