Lord Greyskull Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Lord Greyskull

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Syr Suketsune Edamitsu

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Art of Necromancy

Suketsune is a Mage of Eight Arts but has an unchallenged skill and love of Necromancy & Golemancy. He can manipulate life energy to an almost detailed level and uses his craftsmanship with Golemancy to raise entire legions of fallen warriors. Perhaps his greatest spell and display of his skill was at the Siege of Tibo-RANN when Dragon Head Knights were beset by Golden Empire Remeant who were bombarding them from orbit. Suketsune arrived with a small fleet and to laid waste to the enemy vessels by conjuring the echoes of fallen starships, bending them to his will, and nearly doubling his own fleet.   

Master of the Blades

Greyskull retains a reputation as a Summoner and many enemies make the assumption that they can best him in single or close combat. A mistake they don't make twice. He was raised in the Blud Pitts of Akadonis, in such dire conditions, you either learn to fight to you die, there is no in-between. Greyskull is masterful with the blade, graceful even, wasting no movements or breath and always goes for the killing blow.

Specialized Equipment

The Mist Bone Armor

Clad from head to toe, Suketsune dawns a set of armor resembling that of a skeleton with a Majik flame above the helm. It is made from Mist Bone Armor, a substance of compressed Ghost Echoes. Suketsune painstakingly made the armor himself, cutting down an untold amount of Ghosts and specters in order to collect the needed Ghost Echoes. But, it was well worth the hunt as the armor allows the user to become intangible on command, nullifying all physical attacks and most Majikal attacks. In addition, it makes them unnoticeable to an untrained eye, or at the very least had to focus on even if you are aware of their presence.   

Assurance, Defender of Trials

A slender and elegant long sword gifted to Suketsune by his charge, Lady Tian, to ensure his safety when in battle. It is ornamental in design and appearance, surely not fit for actual combat, but the Lord Knight wields it regardless, cutting down Men and Gods alike in his wake. Although a longsword, Suketsune can complete a full swing of it with just one hand and quickly return it to its scabbard.    

The Queen's Raven Cloak of Eiudowyn

Eiudowyn was a devoted follower of Lord Godwyn The All-Knowing, weaving this great black cloak from Raven Wings as a gift of admiration for him. He rejected her gift and she lived the rest of her days in agony, clutching tightly to her repelled love. Suketsune and his Knights had raided her world and found the cloak in her long-forgotten chamber, taking it for himself. With it, he can use it as a medium to conjure forward Golems and Summons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the slave rings of Akadonis, Suketsune was brought into this world fighting for the right to exist. He was one of the countless bastards born in the depths of the area, his very birth killing the woman who bore him. He was used as a servant in a Blud Pitt for much of his early years until he was put in the arena with other killers. He was young and inexperienced and suffered many horrible battles, but he never died, only just surviving by the skin of his teeth. Only Surviving.
In time, through battles and blood and long sleepless nights, Suketsune was proficient with the blade, not so weak as to be used for manual labor but not too strong as to become a prized champion. He was just a regular. This changed when a nobleman from a distant world witnessed the games and purchased Suketsune, lifting him out of the Blud Pitt, and into servitude to his young simple daughter, Tian. 
For the next few years, Suketsune served as the Sword of Tian, never more than one step from his new Master, his blade quickly meeting with the necks of any who disrespect her in or out of his presence. Malliem, Tian's father, was often busy off on USC business and had very little time for his daughter, leaving Suketsune as her only true companion in the universe. But once again, he was only surviving, trading one set of shackles for another. 
With his newfound status and resources, Suketsune found himself furthering his Majikal skills and techniques by studying Grimoires from Malliem's Keep. He found that he took an affinity to the Art of Necromancy and soon excelled at it. With his newfound Majikal abilities and sword skill, he was elevated far above the level of a simple bodyguard, but remained loyal and steadfast to Lady Tian, defenseless on her own. 
After a bad snowstorm on a remote world, Tian and Suketsune's transport crashes, leaving them deserted without aid. Suketsune carries his Lady to safety and defends her for weeks on end, but eventually, even his strength begins to wane and Tian cannot go on much longer without proper medical care. But his situation goes from bad to worse when a Realm Tear occurs right on top of them, exposing them to a horde of Khaos Daemons, seeking to consume them both and claim the power of their SOULs. Suketsune fights with all he has, but even his best, pushed to his absolute limit, is not enough. And Lady Tian dies.
Suketsune kills every Daemon who poured over until the Realm Tear naturally closes on its own, leaving him alone with Tian's corpse, whom he buries. He resigns himself to an icy grave, failing to ever live his life but is found by Dragon's Head Knights, impressed with his repulsion of Khaos Dameons, and brings him with them.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Suketsune is a bit of a pragmatic Knight, always approaching any situation with a plan and backup plans for his backup plans. This makes him an excellent military leader but leaves him dull and empty in the more intimate parts of life. This can make Suketsune come across as cold and calculated, which is true to a measure, but it is not all that he is. He shows his version of compassion to others, just in a way they might not recognize.



Lord of the Undead

Greyskulls real name is Suketsune Edamitsu, although very few within the Dragon's Head know this. It was a title he earned when first admitted into the Order when he was being tested. He was already 21 when he was taken in and close to being a master of Majik. To display his skills he conjured an army of skeletons to defeat foul Monsters, re-summoning them no matter how many times they fell. But unlike other Summoners, Suketsune fought among his forces, violently, but in a controlled manner. When trained by Gaivan Pendragon, he coined the nickname 'Greyskull' for the young man's gloomy personality and it just stuck. Although, in truth, Suketsune enjoys the air of mystery around him.

Contacts & Relations

Of the Knights in the Dragon's Head, Greyskull only truly counts one other as his equal and close friend, Doggmyre, one equally versed in arcane and Necromancy with a gloomy outlook on life. Together, Doggmyre and Lord Greyskull are referred to as 'Destined Death', because when they are dispatched together, your defeat is all but writ in stone.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of the Undead
  • Lord Greyskull
  • The Knight of Skeletons
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
He | Him
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.