Legendary, the 7th Word of the Seven-Part Name Spell in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Legendary, the 7th Word of the Seven-Part Name

The 7th Name of ISHIN, Embodiment of the Avatar Rālias, the Word of Legend

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

The Seven Syllables of the Word Legendary

  1. The 1st Syllable, THE ACT OF BECOMING LEGENDARY DENIES AN EASY LIFE; You must be tested by adversity as FIRE does to GOLD.
  2. The 2nd Syllable, CAST ASIDE THE DEALINGS OF SMALL-MINDED MEN; You are more than a man, and the dealings of Men cannot stop you.
  3. The 3rd Syllable, ALL LIMITS EXIST ONLY SO LONG AS YOU ELECT TO SUFFER THEM. SUFFER THEM NO LONGER; Legends are not bound by the physical and mental constraints of the cosmos. They transcend them.
  4. The 4th Syllable, STRIVE ALWAYS FOR GREATER HEIGHTS; Seek Glory-Everlasting in all pursuits of life.
  5. The 5th Syllable, THE SENSATION OF LIFE IS ONLY GIVEN MEANING BY THE INEVITABILITY OF DEATH; When the last pages of your Legend are written, do not fight Death or run like a child from responsibility.
  6. The 6th Syllable, DO NOT BE BOUND BY CHAINS OF ANY MAKING. OBEY ONLY YOUR CODE; The Oath Eternal is one that each Man must realize for himself in his own way.
  7. The 7th Syllable, IN THE END, WHAT ARE WE BUT STORIES; Death is only but the 1st DEATH, the Stories live on beyond it.
The Seven Syllables of Legendary are the seven fundamental concepts and ideas that need to be understood for you to learn the Word. It is a way of life and a way of death, it is about changing the very manner in which you view reality. To learn the Seven Syllables see the reading list of past Legends1 and the paramount text; The Tablet of Suns2. To gain an understanding of the power of the word Legendary, you will need to study under a Legendary Name Learner who only knows the Word Legendary as the other six names of ISHIN are intentionally counter-intuitive and can lead to a flawed vision of the Word if not taught in a vacuum.


The Word Legendary allows a Learner of Names "To succeed beyond one's limits and aspire for Glory Everlasting", but what exactly does this mean? To become Legendary is to transcend the physical cosmos and exist in the stories Skálds sing for ages to come. Namely, this Word allows you to surpass previous limits and strive for even greater heights, whatever that looks like for you. The effect of learning the Word Legendary is to die twice; once when they bury you in the dirt, and again the last time someone mentions your name.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Limitation TranscendenceThe user can overcome their limitations/weaknesses, whether personal, from their species, or inherent to their other powers, becoming either more resistant or completely immune to said weaknesses/limitations.
  • Idea Embodiment; User can become the embodiment of ideas, the representation of any/all thoughts and concepts that come from a spontaneous and reflexive manner that occur without thinking. This allows them to have limitless or near-limitless power and control over any and all ideas whether new or old.


The manifestation of the word Legendary is the Avatar Rālias, Lord of Sunlight and God of Heroes. Rālias is embodied by stars and sunlight, his light pierces all and his flames burn away the wicked. Those who learn Legendary bear the Crown of Suns upon their head, a halo depicting a triangle within a radiant sun.


Rālias is the embodiment of the Word Legendary and Legendary is the true name of Rālias. His power is unknowable because his Story is vast and unending.
Related Deity/Higher Power

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.
  • Footnote No. 01; The Un-Yielding Bālavaun (account of titular character Bālavaun, the 4th Arcane Lord, during the Great War in Heaven. Composed by his Skald Garon Reid.). The Book of Golden Storms (personal Grimoire belonging to the Golden Goddess Lady Sif written during the Kingdom Come Age.).
  • Footnote No. 02; The Book of Suns is the defector and original philosophy text on learning the Word Legendary, its seven syllables, and what the Word is capable of. It was composed by the Skald M. F. Arboleda who was the first Mortal to learn the word, deriving the Syllables from Rālias himself.