David, King of Kings Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

David, King of Kings (/ˈdeɪvɪd/)

"David, King of all Kings, Defeater of Tyrants and Slayer of Evil, the 1st Hallowed Lord and loyal consort to Hasadiah. Falsely accused of betraying Her Grace to steal one of the Sacred Seals, his glory remains unscratched"

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Kobak David, Head of the 294th Imperial Dragon, Founder of the Davidic Lineage and King Among Kings, David

Physical Description

Special abilities

The user can manipulate and generate music, an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts of tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. The user possesses the power of prophecy; the psychic power to receive prophecies through visions and information that can take the form of messages from higher powers, such as cosmic or divine entities, with most of those entities possessing the power of prophecy themselves as a direct link to the source of those visions and messages.
  • The Spoken Arts
Magical Arts mastered by Skálds, capable of altering the very fabric of reality with songs, ballads, and poems. In exchange, they surrender the ability to speak as mere men, relying solely on translators to speak for them, lest they cast a spell with their voice.  

The Logic of the Sword Kings

"Within the realm of the Sword Kings, the Logic flows with the essence of unyielding determination. Like the sharpened edge of a blade, their will is honed to a resolute point, unclouded by doubt or hesitation. It is the logic of those who ascend beyond mortal limits, for it demands absolute conviction and unshakable purpose. They are the wielders of destinies, the sovereigns of their desires, bound by neither the chains of servitude nor the constraints of fear. In their hands, the Sword becomes an extension of their very being, a testament to their unwavering resolve, as they carve their way through the annals of existence, leaving behind a trail of legends and shattered barriers. The Logic of the Sword Kings is the embodiment of relentless pursuit, an eternal dance between power and mastery, forever etched in the annals of conquest and glory."

The idea of a "KING" is any being who is free from doubt about who and what they are and what they want. A "SWORD" is their will or drive or ambition to see whatever it is they are doing through to the very end. The "LOGIC" is the way in which a KING wields their SWORD. Thus, the Logic of the Sword Kings is simply "The Manner in which Action is Delivered by an Ambitious Person". Once mastered, this Sword Logic infects everything a Sword King does, it seeps into their blood, into their SOUL, and even changes how they think. Their Logic is their own and defines them wholly. King David's logic demands that a SWORD is only good for CUTTING.

Specialized Equipment

The Swords of David, King of Swords

  • al-Battar: A curved great sword taken from the corpse of Kobak Goliath after David felled him during their duel in the Realm Arigath
  • The Sword of King David: Sword Arm created by King David when he first began to walk the path of the Sword Kings

Mental characteristics

Personal history

David was born in the Realm Œrrland (Mad + Land) to two farmers he never knew. He was given to the Marines under the Lord of the Lands as a tribute payment, named David by Captain Vied, who collected him. David served in his Lord's armed forces for his life and would have tied a Slave-Knight had he not harbored ambitions for his own greatness.


The Warrior Poet

While in service to the Œrrland Forces as a Slave-Knight, David was singled out by his superiors for his exceptional skill with the musical arts. His passive hobby of learning alien instruments made him a good candidate to learn the Spoken Arts to be a better tool for his Lord. David took advantage of the opportunity to study at a Skaldic College to be formally educated in Philosophy, Literature, Arithmetic, Higher Reasoning, Science, and Technology, all fields Skalds need to complete. He studied for six years before taking his Oath and Vow of Silence, bearing the Mark of the Skáld on his tongue. As a Skáld he served as a personal advisor to his Lordship and tutored his son to succeed his father. Such a high position afforded David many advantages lesser men would waste, but intelligence and ambition are a dangerous combination.

The Path of the Sword Kings

The Logic of Swords is a philosophy and way of life that those who master swords live by, and in turn, it informs their Swords. The Sword Logic David came to understand was "the purpose of a SWORD is to CUT", imparted onto him by his Master, Taenaran Nornorin, a Dark Elf who decimated the Lord's army David served in during his young life. Taenaran Nornorin showed David what it meant to wield a Sword and to strive after his greatness. David deserted the Œrrland Knights and embarked forward as Taenaran Nornorin's new student. David trained under his new Master for 32 years before his Sword Logic could reason on a scale equal to Taenaran Nornorin, and another 44 before it could challenge him. On their 972nd Duel, David cut down his Master and was thusly named a King of Swords by all rights.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • The Diplomacy of a King
David of the House of Kings has many, many, titles, such as the Poet King and the Conquering King, which may paint a certain picture in the minds of readers. While David knew many Sword Arts and was a master strategist in battle, he often avoided it and treated it as a last resort, instead seeking to resolve disputes with diplomacy. He was charismatic and forgiving, as far as Kings can be.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • The Deadly Pride Sin; David was immensely prideful and arrogant, rightfully so for one so powerful in his position as King, unchallenged. He would, at times, allow his pride to cloud his better judgment if he felt his power and authority were legitimately questioned. These bouts often ended in death and humiliation for the perceived offense on his person. His court was consumed with yes-men and Praise Poets who sang his glory.
  • Unfaithfulness; Under the faith of the Holy Order, one may court multiple lovers, David wed 10 women and sired bastards with countless concubines, but his love for any of his partners was debatable at best. He was a King under an Emperor, a Kobak general sent to fight wars in the name of his lord, he was often away from his home for long periods of time and returned with nameless sires and new concubines by the boatload. Even David's marriage to each of his 10 wives can be called into question for political advantage. Michal Abhuv was the daughter of Old King Saul, adding legitimacy to his rule of Arigath. Ahinoam Yaffa was a Deathbed Lover who bore David powerful children with his lively vigor and was capable of restoring him to life if killed. Abigail Skywalker was a Priest of one of the Minor Word Churches, The White Lotus, and was a valuable asset for her impressive prophecy skills, abilities that rivaled and surpassed David's. The Nephilim Goddess Maacha was wed for a political alliance with the Kingdom of Geshur. Haggith Sanguine was a Witch from Vanaheim, gaining David the support of one of the Imperial Covens under Queen Freyja. Abital Yakobovitch was a river Nymph married for an alliance with a powerful Sea God. Eglah Godsbane is a minor deity of a dead Pantheon of Gods, slain by her hand and cursed to live a life of passivity, she wed David after he agreed to break her curse should she aid him in some foreign war. Queen Bathsheba inherited the Hyamson Dynasty from her mother after killing her siblings, and David was wed to her to bolster the might of both their Kingdoms. And finally, Princess Yaling, great-granddaughter of Emperor Ui, married to gain leverage in the Royal Family.
  • Neglectful: David's lineage was vast and it was impossible to father all his children, but he failed to govern them at times when his word should have been the law. A fierce Civil War once broke out between two of his sons, Prince Amnon Yaffa, and Prince Absalom Thejeedja, over the rape of Absalom's sister, Princess Tamar, by Prince Amnon. David condemned Amnon but called for both sons to cease the fighting. Absalom threw down his sword only when Amnon's forces were decimated and his half-brother was killed. David foolishly sought to punish Absalom but he fled the kingdom with Princess Tamar back to their grandfather's kingdom, Geshur. David let the matter be, and it later spelled doom for him when Absalom led a massive campaign against him in an attempt to usurp his power.



David & Goliath

There once stood a Realm, Arigath, beset by a great and terrible man-eating giant, Goliath, and his army. He scoured the lands, poisoned the sky, and drank the oceans. The Lords of Arigath served him dinner and their once great fortress compounds were ruined. Megumi, the last leal Knight of Arigath, sent to request aid, had finally returned with only one man, a wandering swordsman, and deserter, David, a man of low birth and no renown.
Only one Lord remained with enough power to oppose Goliath, Old King Saul somewhat, and even then his forces and energy were already on the decline. He bore no faith in this foreigner who came alone with a damaged sword and tattered rags on his back. His hair was wild and unkept and he smelled of mead. Saul dismissed the fool and left him to Goliath's lackeys, always at Saul's borders, waiting patiently. When the twin suns rose, David was found in the camp, but the Giants were dead. He returned with Sir Megumi to Saul's keep and was promised the hand of Saul's daughter, Princess Michal, should he defeat Goliath and rescue her, alive, from his possession.
Megumi and David embarked from Saul's kingdom and confronted Goliath, who made a similar offer to David. Kobak Goliath was one of Emperor Ui's 300 Kobak Heads and was charged with bringing this unruly kingdom back into the fold. Arigath had succeeded from Ui's Empire some age ago during an intense Civil War, but Ui put the traitors to rest and sought to reclaim what was his. When peace did not suffice, he sent Kobak Goliath. He had a reputation as a monster in every sense of the word far and wide, and Ui hoped the news of his departure would scare Arigath back into submission, but the Lords of Arigath resolved to die on their feet than live on their knees. And Goliath was more than happy to fulfill that wish.
He recognized David as a King of Swords, a being who understood that "the purpose of a SWORD is to CUT" and is amazed by the fool Saul only offered him the hand of his daughter. Should David swear fealty to him and Emperor Ui right here and right now, he could rule entire empires of his own and lay with Queens and Goddesses. However, Goliath made a point to illustrate that he did not fear a King of Swords and only made the offer out of respect for his Emperor who would greatly benefit from David's name and employment. He would have 1 hour to make his choice.
The skies of Arigath were only ever blocked out by Emperor Ui's Dreadnaught "The Somber Echo", and it was the first time a Kobak had ever hailed him for support. When Emperor Ui arrived, he found Goliath's corpse buried in an ocean of Giant's blood, and Saul's head not far from it. The Swordsman David, worn and bloody, was captured by Goliath's forces and brought to Ui, who was impressed, to say the least. Goliath was among the most powerful of his Kobak, and to see him so utterly and completely felled was staggering. After David killed Saul, he would only bow to an Emperor and thus Ui was hailed. He accepted David's submission and named him Kobak David, Head of the 294th Imperial Dragon.

The Glory of David

As the Head of the 294th Imperial Dragon, Kobak David was charged with waging war on behalf of the Emperor and maintaining the Kingdom of Arigath in the trust of his Lord. After being named a Kobak, David was charged with putting the Arigath Realm back into Order to reestablish the Empire's control and make use of its trade routes to generate revenue. With Arigath under his command, David led a massive campaign to bring all the surrounding major Realms under his control as well. He faced major push-back from eight of the 11 Realms, the  Unruly Lords who also sought to claim Arigath for their own needs. When diplomacy would not prevail, David went to war with them in the Eight Point War where he fought a constant series of battles on all 8 kingdoms all at once. It was one of his most expensive campaigns, but in the end, 8 Unruly Heads rolled at his feet.
With his power cemented, David legally established his House, the Davidic Lineage officially known as the House of Kings from his Seat of Power on Arigath. He was once again called on by his Emperor to aid in a massive military offensive to expand the Empire. He oversaw two Crusades during this push, both of which could be considered largely successful. There was a Crusade spear-headed by David himself on Kobak Mornurtr, another Head of the Empire who saw Goliath's death as an insult. David won that series of wars but spared Mornurtr on command from the ruling Emperor. At the start of the Great War in Heaven, David launched 3 massive military crusades to defend his Kingdom from invading forces, foreign armies, and Daemonik Hordes. His last Crusade was the Succession Crusade where some of his children, led by Prince Adonijah, attempted to usurp the old man. David would have lost this war had his favorite son and named Heir SOLOMON not intervened and defeated the traitor siblings.
By the time of his death, King David had wed 10 Wives, including Princess Song Yaling, Emperor Ui's great-granddaughter, 2 Goddesses, and Princess Michal, Old King Saul's daughter. David's lineage was vast, to say the least, not including the number of concubines and lovers he entertained during his extensive Campaigns. Such a bloodline was needed to maintain his vast kingdom and is where the name of his House, the House of Kings, comes from. Many of his children would be named Kings and Queens and rule over Realms in their father's name. The Kingdom of David is one of the oldest and most powerful Kingdoms to not only pre-date the Great War in Heaven but to come out of it largely intact.

Family Ties

  • ???? ???? (Father)
  • ???? ???? (Mother)
  • Michal Abhuv (Wife, 1st of Her Name)
  • Nepheg Ahuv'Zakar (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Japhia Ahuv'Zakar (Daughter, 2nd of Her Name)
  • Elishama Ahuv'Zakar (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Eliada Ahuv'Zakar (Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Eliphelet Ahuv'Zakar (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Ahinoam Yaffa (Wife)
  • Amnon Yaffa (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Chileab Yaffa (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Abigail Skywalker (Wife, 5th of Her Name)
  • Kileab Skywalker (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Daniel Skywalker (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Maacah Thejeedja (Wife, 7th of Her Name)
  • Tamar Thejeedja (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Absalom Thejeedja (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Haggith Sanguine (Wife)
  • Adonijah Sanguine (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Abital Yakobovitch (Lady Wife)
  • Ibhar Yakobovitch (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Shephatiah Yakobovitch (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Eglah Godsbane (Lady Wife)
  • Ithream Godsbane (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Rimon Godsbane (Daughter, 2nd of Her Name)
  • Mattan-El Godsbane (Daughter, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Li Yam Godsbane (Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Naaman Godsbane (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Chenit Godsbane (Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Ophir Godsbane (Daughter, 7th of Her Name)
  • Hadoram Godsbane II (Son, 8th Born)
Eglah the Bane of the Gods was the daughter of Mizmor, the King of the Nof clan of Gods, set to be sacrificed by her Clans-folk to sustain her father's power and life. All daughters of Mizmor welcomed such a fate and his 763rd would be no different. Lady Eglah walked a different path, becoming the Nof Goddess of War and burning the heavens, slaughtering all the celestials. With their dying breath, they laid a powerful curse on Eglah that drove her to lust for war and death, becoming a slayer of Gods, having wiped out 487 Pantheons before she was sought out by King David who commissioned her aid in one of his Crusades in exchange for breaking her bloody curse.
The infamous GODSBANE lineage starts with Queen Eglah and her 1st born son, Prince Ithream. The Godsbane Line has dominant ivory white skin and piercing red eyes and all sport full heads of thick ebony hair. Eglah's skin was bleached with the blood of so many celestials during her slaughter and her hair was tar black, proof of the corruption of her SOUL, or so the stories go. The ruby eyes are a trademark of all Nof Clan Gods and all Godsbanes are Demigods, as the genetics of a God do not easily submit to mortal genes, doubly so for one as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the Goddess of War, Eglah.
As a Branch of the House of Kings, the Godsbane Clan was once responsible for their own vast Kingdom under King David, under Emperor Ui. All of Queen Eglah's children by David lived to adulthood and each was fruitful and successful over their own kingdoms, as well as her bastards. The Godsbane Clan didn't command the largest army but employed the most celestial beings. A fact attributed to the Slave Knights Queen Eglah owned, captured from the various Clans of Gods she slew, and her own vast lineage, all demigods in their own right.
  • Bathsheba Hyamson (Lady Wife, 4th of Her Name)
  • Jedidiah "SOLOMON" Hyamson (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Shobab Hyamson (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Nathan Hyamson (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Elishama Hyamson (Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Eliphelet Hyamson (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Nogah Hyamson (Son, 6th of His Name)
  • Shimea Hyamson (Son, 7th of His Name)
  • Tsujihara Erisu (Lady Wife, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Tsujihara Azami (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Song Yaling (Lady Wife, 7th of Her Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Qiang (Lord Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Zhelan (Lady Daughter, 2nd of Her Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Yijun (Lady Daughter, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Luoyang (Lord Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Liuxian (Lord Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Zedong (Lady Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Xīn'ài gē Ruogang (Lady Daughter, 7th of Her Name)
The Song Dynasty ruled as a Branch family of the Imperial Family for many ages, serving as the most trusted advisors for the sitting Ui Emperor. One of the Song's prominent daughters, Princess Yaling, hosted a tourney for a potential suitor. The Princess was fond of games and puzzles and so her mother, Lady Zemin, devised an elaborate maze with riddles and tricks for the suitors, one that could not be bested with brute strength. King David, seeking to gain a foothold in the Imperial Family, like many of the other suitors, entered the maze, famously, inebriated. David was known as a legendary tactical genius by this point in his career and proved to be the most cunning of the suitors.
Yaling was wed to David and became one of his infamous WIves, the lineage born from this union, the Song-David Line, otherwise known as the Xīn'ài gē (Beloved ((David name meaning)) + Song) arm of the Song Dynasty.

Wealth & Financial state

The Realm Arigath was a fertile Root World, in this sense where fertile means a great many other Branch Worlds were connected to it, making it an ideal tactical and political Realm to have control over. When David conquered it on behalf of Emperor Ui, he gained access to its immense trade power which allowed him to massively boost his own riches in a short timeframe. During the Eight Point War, David conquered 11 more Root Worlds, laying the groundwork for his expansive trade system and his House's immense and seemingly bottomless wealth.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King of Kings
  • Kobak David, Head of the 294th Imperial Dragon
  • Founder of the Davidic LIneage
  • Slayer of Giants
  • The Anointed One
  • Harpist of the Soul
  • The Ancestral Star
  • The City Breaker
  • The Wise Counselor
  • The Uniter of Tribes
  • The Psalmist King
  • The Bard of Battle
  • The Shepherd-King
  • Conqueror of the Wilderness
  • The Harp of Zion
  • The Divine Strategist
  • The Undying Flame
  • The Warrior-Poet
Piercing Blue
Long Black Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream / White
250 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.