Gusairne, Gul Character in Sesteer | World Anvil

Gusairne, Gul

Original text from Paizo, modified by sofreyr

Sir Gul Gusairne

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sir Gusairne is a handsome and confident man, but quiet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The half-elf Sir Gul Gusairne served the previous Count Lotheed (Mercater Lotheed) with distinction as seneschal, both keeping the estate in order and also serving as head of the count’s unofficial “secret police,” ferreting out dissent against his power. Bartelby Lotheed has retained Gul’s services and offers him even greater leeway in investigating and suppressing the populace, leading to several brutal attacks on peasant gatherings.


Contacts & Relations

Scions of Betony : Indifferent

Family Ties

Sir Gul Gusairne was the low-born bastard of a minor Lotheed cousin and a charismatic, traveling elven merchant. While financially supported—barely—he was far from tolerated and not permitted to take the family name, instead finding himself shipped off to Lotheedar for a religious education once he could read. He took the lessons of his family and those of his faith and formed a philosophy of harsh discipline; he was never allowed an inch to experiment or fail and still managed to make something respectable of himself, and so he permits no one but his direct superiors the luxury, either.   Despite years of abuse, Gusairne is unflaggingly loyal to the Lotheed family. The former Count Lotheed reminded the lad daily how fortunate he was to receive the family’s generosity, rather than being dumped at some orphanage or into the canal, and some part of Gul still believes that. He is now a dry, humorless man with little joy and an exacting attention to detail.

Social Aptitude

Influence (Knowledge [nobility] or Sense Motive)
  • Profession (Barrister, soldier), Survival, Escape Artist
  • Strength – Talk about insurrection
Current Location
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed in a barrel by Norris, Chuck stabbing with him with a spear until turned into a thick stew.
Light Blue
140 lbs

Character Portrait image: by Paizo
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