The Tragedy of Var'Noth Prose in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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The Tragedy of Var'Noth

The sun once shown and now it has gone And has left the valley so old There once was a tree where now there is stone And the valley is barren and cold   Varin the brave, oh Varin the fool Your eyes and your heart burning bright Varin the kind, oh Varin the doomed   For your vows you slipped into the night Low in the valley we fought back the dark Your sword and your voice ringing true We stuck back against the bastard Kel'noth   All we paid was the brother I knew Low in the valley a call can be heard Made from iron and the scraping of stone The ghost of the man I had once called friend Now haunts the valley alone   I utter this prayer in the hopes you return Or you rest 'neath the shade of the tree The sun does not shine now that you've gone It is cold in this barren valley   Oh Varin won't you return Varin won't you return Varin won't you return Varin won't you rest 'neath the tree


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