The Technocracy of Lincliff Organization in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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The Technocracy of Lincliff

The Guildmaster Dictates, That Progress must continue with haste.. Or so the old saying goes. A land of scientific progress, invention, and discovery. Lincliff was the Guilds personal testing grounds, originally a much smaller area It only encompassed a section of coastline, and a few scattered mountains. It was a wonderland for these inventors though. Building, testing, destroying, exploding and doing other sometimes questionable research in the name of science, what glorious testing there was! With the fall of the Old world Order, the Guilds remnants out in Arlanis found themselves no longer under the monitoring of the national rules of very law happy nations like Varvazar….This could be a wonderful experiment.


As the old world crumbled and fell to ruin, the testing facilities and colonies over In Arlanis. Many adventurous gnomes, humans, and dwarves found themselves ‘stranded’ without the support of the main Guild. But on the bright side the supervision was gone as well! They spread their reach and influence as far as they could reaching out to encompass most of the peninsula. The still very adolescent nation made some….Poor early life choices though which would change how it appeared in the modern day and what they had available to them.   Experiment 204-C-RO5H, more affectionately known as Crush. Crush was a mixing of machine with an actual Mountain Giant they had captured. Having replaced many parts of the mountain Giant they thought it would be a wonderful and easily controlled war machine. That Hypothesis was proven wrong a year after the project began. It was discovered that the Giant, a very willful and sentient being did not appreciate being turned into a mechanized war machine. The Giant proceeded to remind the Gnomes and Dwarves testing on it that it was in charge of the situation. Facility CR-1 was leveled to the ground, all staff on hand security and non-security personal were killed. Unfortunately it was also at Facility CR-1 that most knowledge on mechanized war machines was also kept…and then lost. A shortsighted mistake by the young council of leaders of this nation, their redemption before being ousted from power was at least in destroying Experiment Crush before it could do anymore damage….Nothing was recovered as extremely volatile explosives were used in the battle. The Council was overthrown and replaced by the ‘Discovery Board’.   The Discovery board ruled well for eighty long years before it too made a grave error and showed a lack of foresight. Experiment 01-ELL, which was short for Ever Lasting Life. It is a surprising case of dwarves and gnomes wanting to live longer and find ways to defy death. The experiment was progressing rather well until a slight miscalculation had occurred. Within two days time the facility and neighboring settlement was infected and turned into mindless drones to a larger proto bio-parasitic-hivemind that been formed by their experimentation. Needless to say the members of the Discovery board now found their heads on the chopping block. They were forced to act quickly lest this overthrow them and subsequently neighboring countries. The best option they found at their disposal was to implement a proto-type weapon which they had found in one Karellian ruin that remains above ground. They had no time to analyze it, or figure out what it actually did, so they were forced to act and abandon all hope of learning more from it. The area was cratered and left a mana polluted wasteland…But in the bright news the outbreak was contained before it gained too much ground! The downside was the loss of more knowledge as researchers with specific knowledge on certain biological fields were lost along with most of their recorded knowledge…The Discovery board was ousted and replaced now by the Inventors Senate.   The pattern seemed to continue as if they were cursed to rise and fall spectacularly. This time the Inventors senate decided that faith in the government needed to be restored so a new experiment to help bolster the somewhat ‘small’ army of Lincliff. Project 014-RSA, short for Rat Soldier army, they took many precautions this time and were very careful and made sure all personal on staff were meticulous in keeping track of this project and any changes. At first it seemed to work like a charm. After several generations of the rats being tested they had been supersized to a humanoid size, had the ability to walk on their hind legs, carry weapons and know how to use them, and they were remarkably intelligent and listened to orders. Everything was going well until, it happened. When testing them in trial combat to gauge their effectiveness. Problems ensued when one of the surviving Ratmen asked “Why are we fighting each other?” The researcher thought for a second and realized this was leading down a dangerous road. He was not certain how to respond and He reported it to the Project head Cornellius Windlcog. Fearing that the project was about to start down a very hazardous road Windlcog reported this to the senate who then voted that the project should be scrapped as quickly as it could before it became a threat. Unfortunately by the time the soldiers arrived at the facility the Ratmen had already realized what was going on….all the normal parts of their ‘lives’ had ceased and it had become eerily quiet. The facility guards were very on edge and punishments were handed out in bushels for the smallest transgression. When the Ratmen were ordered to line up for Role call and a ‘cleansing’ they reacted quickly using their numbers to overwhelm the guards and take control of the facility before the army had even arrived. They armed themselves, organized and held out against several waves of the Lincliffite army. Before they fled into the underground and abandoned the facility. The failure to contain this outbreak spelt the end for the Senate and brought upon a new daily worry for the people of Lincliff….Ratmen.   The most recent form of government headed by the Forgemaster has seen more success as it has cut down a great deal on radical experimentation. Under the Forgemaster which there has been three since its creation there has only been one major war which ended in some minor land gains for the nation. While the Forgemasters have done their best to be more ‘stable’ From the advent of the nation to its current state there has been a significant drop in knowledge. No longer can Lincliff produce the same war machines of the past, as there are just some aspects which are unknown on how they were even made…so the few that are still remaining are well kept, No longer does Lincliff possess the same knowledge of biological affairs as it once did, while it retained a level of advancement over its neighbors it had lost a great deal of advancement in comparison to its start, great minds….great records lost due to foolhardy moves. Very odd they thought and while it is not known to them a great ‘rebalancing’ was occurring by the hands of the Sythians who were attempting to make sure their precious balance remained as it should.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories


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