Redfang of Vardest Character in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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Redfang of Vardest


Redfang is armored in a mish mosh of armor from around the world. A walking tapestry of warfare, even his weapons are from different regions of the world. Always seen with his Glaive from Vallonde, his sword from Dorwine, a handaxe from the dwarves of Karak Urbar, and at times a bow from archers of his homeland Ormest. These are but some of the most common weapons he carries. His clothing is very colorful and equally mismatched from the various nations he's served. Around his belt is a collection of trinkets to match as well. Odd little things, varying from a bone, a little wooden whistle, a gold and silver bell, feathers, and bits of flags and banners. All of this equipment while well maintained bares some scars and battle damage from the years of service in the arts of war.   Straightforward as they may come. Redfang despite his colorful appearance does not sugarcoat many things. He is blunt and forward in his criticism. However these blunt responses are not always swift and quick. They take time and there have been times where he will simply nod at the question, to only several days later come back having thought through on how he wanted to word his answer. He is patient with people, more so with those who are still learning. However patience may simply mean he insist the student or person continue to keep trying at the task till they finally make progress. Redfang is an opponent to fate and pre-determined things, believing that a person can achieve many things and reach their goals if they keep at it. To this end he is not a huge fan of nobles and leaders who have not earned their position of power.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Local and folk Culture, smoking, fine drinks, woodworking Dislikes: Fortune tellers, Bandits, breaking contracts.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
902 N.E 36 Years old
bright red hair, bit of a mop
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned with darker patches of hair
Aligned Organization


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