Magic, Faith, and Perceptions within the Order. in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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Magic, Faith, and Perceptions within the Order.

The Order draws from all walks of life throughout Variathios. Due to its dependency on recruiting elsewhere to maintain its fighting strength, The Order must make compromises.   Necromancy is acceptable as long as the practitioner never raises the dead of order, never research the method of becoming a lich, and must report their research on a bi-weekly basis.   Warlocks are accepted provided their pacts are not with infernal lords, other horrible undead, or with old and anti-deluvian monsters. Other pacts are accepted provided they are understood and recorded. If it is possible the pact may compromise the ideals or missions of the order the user is subject to honorably being discharged from service.   In addition Magical users of all sorts are required to pass several tests and examinations early on in their career to prove they are capable of controlling their powers properly.   For those of faith, clerics, paladins, or certain devoted individuals there is a deal of vetting as well to ensure unity of goals. Some may be turned away, depending on oath, vows, or devoted purpose.   For Paladins and Clerics there is also a strict of code of Tolerance which must be accepted before entering service of the order. None may attempt to convert any other member of the order, nor refuse service or aid to them based on religious ideals.   Certain deities worship however are forbidden. Iorveth, Vecna, Velloth, Kelosi, Borgumanos all fall in this category.


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