Helga Ironboot Character in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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Helga Ironboot


A stout dwarf, armed not in heavy armor, nor armed to the teeth with tools. Auburn hair done up in a long braid, brown eyes, She walks about wearing very simple practical clothing. A dark red tunic with a yellow trim. She wears sturdy pants which have a checkered pattern on them, but she is always heard coming by a loud clanking. She wears a pair of heavy Iron boots. Which clank and clunk where ever she does walk. Despite being heard....she is at times rather hard to notice, which for some is a worrying thought.   Helga is an unusual dwarf, by the standards of where she comes from. She does not drink much, prefers the open sky, and finds traditional dwarven arts to be lacking in interesting features. She considers alchemy and poetry to be curious and worthwhile pursuits. Mastering concoctions and combinations of words. However despite of this, she still carries some old dwarven ideas. She is a bit rough and tumble in a conversation. Not one for beating around the bush....unless its in some sort of poetry contest which she is always trying to challenge people to. Sometimes it resembles a battle of poetic insults, other times of trying to out compliment the other, or to better string together a series of rhymes at the moment without preparation. She is an advocate for trying new things, and encourages both those under her tutelage and those who are her compatriots to try new activities, foods, songs, and even to try and experience new cultures.   When it comes to battle, she has shown that even stone and metal struggle against her mighty fists and feet. She has shown to have a great deal of skill for martial combat. Though her teaching style when it comes to combat tends to be less then ideal. She is a teacher who it may take several attempts to teach something correctly when it comes to the martial skill sets. Despite this lackluster ability. She is dedicated to seeing people grow and learn and as such she is constantly cheering on those who she is teaching.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Poetry, alchemy, New trends, travel Hates: beer, smithing, not being able to adapt.

Virtues & Personality perks

Enduring, Motivational, determined, Multi-cultural. Quick.

Vices & Personality flaws

Not a great teacher of skills, scornful of traditions, blunt.
Year of Birth
800 N.E 138 Years old
Brown eyes
Auburn hair in a single french braid.
Aligned Organization


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