Ferr de Vis Character in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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Ferr de Vis


A tall looming figure. Ferr de Vis wears much darker clothing then other knights, often dressing more fit to match the wilds and woods, even if she does wear the little armor she keeps she has had it painted to match forests and underbrush, matted to not shine unlike many other members of the order. Armed with a sword breaker, and a longer machete like sword and a heavy crossbow on her back. She appears to be a formidable foe.   She is very outgoing when within the walls of the fortress however. Always the first to help the locals and fellows of the Order with their small troubles and woes. From getting cats out of trees, to teaching youth on the nature of certain plants and their medicinal uses, training new members of the Order in the skills of Bows and subterfuge. A patient teacher and mentor she is beloved by the populace and those whom have had to learn from her.   When on missions though she changes quite swiftly. She grows quiet and hushed, and every moment is thought out before action is taken. She moves swiftly and she becomes an officer and a leader in the field. If she has a target and she has orders to remove said target she will do it without a moments hesitation.
Year of Birth
910 N.E 28 Years old
short cut blonde hair
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by PanPan


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