Questionnaire in Serene's Lament | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Below are various questions meant to help you explore your character. While you are not required to answer all (or any) of these questions, they may be worth looking through.
  1. Adventuring
      • Why now? What changed to start you on the path to adventure now as opposed to say, last year? For some, the answer may be obvious ("I was adventuring last year lol", or "I finally became an adult and am allowed to make my own choices").
      • What do you hope to accomplish by adventuring?
      • Why are you trying to accomplish it (from prior question) by adventuring?
      • Are there specific types of adventuring you are interested/uninterested in, and how do they relate to the above?
  2. Skills Background
      • What prior professions have you done and why did they end?
      • What skills, accomplishments, and deeds are you proud of? Ashamed of?
      • Where did you grow up? Did you travel much?
      • What climates/terrains do you consider yourself to be at home within? What climates/terrains do you dislike/do poorly in? (note: this is not for any mechanical bonus, and you will not be penalized when the party enters a desert area just because you answered "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere", though you might get penalized for not having the high ground if you pick that specific answer).
      • Are you comfortable in a crowd? Did you like more populous regions or the isolated ones? Does this relate to your upbringing?
  3. Relations
      • Parents/parental figures/commune you were raised in, you have those right? If not, :( . Either way, describe your current or past relationship with your literal/metaphorical parents, and also describe your parents.
      • Siblings? Same as above, except being an only child is not necessarily :( .
      • Childhood friends? As above. (no friends is :( ).
      • Romantic partners, crushes, etc.
      • Coworkers, employers, teachers, generally work related people. (potentially less important to non-existant, depending on your history).
      • Rivals, enemies, people who wish you ill or whom you loathe/despise/hate/w.e .
  4. Faith
      • If your class doesn't require it, do you have a faith you follow? If so, why? (if your class does require it, why the one you picked?)
      • Has you clashed with another over faith? How serious was it?
      • How do you view those of faith and those without faith? Any particular stand outs?
  5. Spice
      • Finally, hit me with that good good spice. Name at least 3 'life-changing moments'. This might be something grand (that time I killed an intruder with my bare hands and discovered I like the taste of blood), or it might be something seemingly minor (my mother's face when i broke my arm has stayed with me and motivated my desire to protect others). It can be things that happened to you (hearing the most beautiful composition), or an activity/task you completed (summitting a mountain after a full year of training), but it must have consequences beyond the event itself. So for instance, saying "that time I finally kissed my crush", fine with me if that's a moment you list, provided you then add context as to how this shaped your life. (also: no listing 'being born'). If you cannot come up with 3, that is alright, but then consider if you have instead been subtly shaped by the world around you and what that implies. Do you have longstanding beliefs that have always been with you? Were you raised in a certain way and haven't questioned it to this day?
  6. Bonus round. Less important, but maybe more fun!
      • Do you have colors/color combinations you like/dislike?
      • Pets?
      • Foods?
      • Are you a fashionista?
      • Do you think the kids these days look ridiculous with their large hoop bracelets or are you wearing two on either arm and one around your neck?
      • What desert do you just NEED like, at least once a month?
      • Did you bring a change of clothes?
      • Do you make sure to wash-up frequently, even when it's inconvenient?
      • Did you bring a deck of cards or a book?
      • Have you been to see a stage play recently?
      • What's your ideal partner's body type?
      • Do you have nightmares?
      • Are you a sane person or do you think pineapple tastes good (possible serene bias in this question)?
      • What's a wacky story about when you were a kid?
      • Did your mom tell you stories to put you to sleep? Do you have a favorite one?
      • What's the sickest party trick you've ever seen?
      • Do you like party/drug culture?
      • Do you like pseudo-scientific stuff?
      • Have you ever met someone named Gary?
      • How's your cooking?


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