Acts of the Commonwealth: Charter of Measures Document in Selestya | World Anvil

Acts of the Commonwealth: Charter of Measures

Decree of the Guild of Merchants of the Commonwealth of Camellotte and Issurian Nations, Establishing a Standard of Weights and Measures, Henceforth.
— Inscription of the Charter
Money is valued at a standard rate throughout the Commonwealth, but different faces can appear on the coins. The economic rules hold fairly well, but in smaller districts there may be some problems with converting unfamiliar coins. The value, however, is the same under severe penalty of the Commonwealth Council. Note that the Torgs have adopted the sytem, but the weight of their coins may be suspect.
  • 100 copper pennies (pence)=1 silver pound (Commonwealth), crown (Torg)
  • 10 pounds=1 gold royal (Commonwealth), emperor (Torg)
The mathematically astute will notice that the weight of one pound = 144 pence, unlike the monetary measurement above. Welcome to the practicalities of trying to standardize.
  • Weight of a dwarvish penny= 1 pence
  • 12 pence=1 ynch
  • 12 ynch=1 pound
  • 12 pounds=1 stone
  • 150 stone=1 tun
  • 1 tun=1800 pounds
Ship capacity runs in tunnage, and one tun of beer takes up about one cubic mitre of space and weighs about 1800 pounds.
Most of these measures go back into perpetuity, being derived from the perrin and dwarves breweing measurements and no one on the council saw any reason not to adopt fully; beer to the rescue again.
  • ~12 pennyweight=1 ynch-weight of beer=1 ynch (volume)
  • 8 ynch=1 mug (or cup for bakers)
  • 2 mugs=1 flagon (or pint)
  • 2 flagons=1 tankard (or quarter)
  • 4 tankards=1 jug
  • 9 jugs=1 firkin
  • 4 firkins=1 barrel
  • 1.5 barrels=1 oxhead
  • 4 oxhead=1 tun
  • 1 tun=216 jugs
Ship capacity runs in tunnage, and one tun of beer takes up about one cubic mitre of space and weighs about 1800 pounds.
Distance and Length:
Travelling distance in the bulk of the Commonwealth was measured in leagues, until the dwarves and the perrin got involved. Naturally their mitres were somewhat shorter than some of the longer legged folks, and they did a lot more walking than riding, so as a concession, miles were incorporated into the system. Also the dwarvish word for "toe" is ynch, which is also synonymous with one-twelfth (extra digits being a sign of the higher-born amongst giantish races). Luckily for all involved, 12 dwarvish toes are about the same length as 10 human ones so a standard wasn't too much of a compromise (though 12 dwarvish ynches is still the measurement used in dwarvish lands; but good merchants can easily convert between dwarvish and Commonwealth ynches).
  • 1 ynch=theoretically the length of some ancient dwarvish king's second toe, adopted standard is 3 lengths of barleycorn, measured on the day of the signing (thank the perrin brewers for that one).
  • 10 ynch (12 ynch for the dwarves)=1 foot
  • 3 feet=1 mitre (step)
  • 3000 feet=1000 mitres (steps)=1 mile (dwarvish)
  • 10000 feet=1 league
  • 3.333 miles=1 league


To establish, in the name of Fair and Free Trade for all, a Standard, upon which all men, perrin, elves, dwarves and others of the Four Races, wishing to do trade within these realms, may rely upon without prejudice and be assured that regardless of kith or kin, all will be treated fairly, as Navit Midas, also called Sardior, intended.
— Item 7; Philisophical Precis

Document Structure


This Act supercedes any previous Act or Law given by previous cities, states or gods (Sardior's Codex) and has been accepted as a mitigation of disparate laws, thus creating a fair and free Standard. This Act acknowledges previous laws and is indebted to such as attempts at fairness in governance and numeration. We ordain and command that the weights and measures, throughout our realm, be as our worthy predecessors have established.
— Appendix I

Publication Status

This document shall be plainly visible and available, posted puclically for all to see whether in guildhall, marketplace, or court, and its omission from said spaces will in no way negate its Authority.
— Appendix II

Legal status

This Act shall bind all signatories, present and future, whether nation, city, or guild, and shall supercede any law attempting to regulate commerce originating from the government of said signatories, upon pain of removal from the Commonwealth.
— Appendix III
Decree, Governmental
Authoring Date
Ratification Date


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