Festival of the Renewed Harvest Tradition / Ritual in Seleim | World Anvil
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Festival of the Renewed Harvest

The Wynitsinpe Urojanayi Eitalul, or Festival of the Renewed Harvest, is celebrated during the spring planting/rainy season as part of Bolugama. Followers of this religion believe that all essences are one and can be transferred from one form to another. Bolu is the origin of all magic and causes this to happen. During the rainy season, the rain comes down and is believed to be converted into earth essence, which then sustains plant life. The 'harvest' of the title refers to the earth essence harvesting the energy of the liquid essence in order to allow plants to grow.    In order to assist the Bolu in this conversion, practitioners will add their own forms of liquid to the ground, along with other essences, particularly light, which is thought to be involved in the growth cycle based on the need plants have for the sun.    During the day, followers will move through the fields and turn the soil to allow for more liquid essence to absorbed. This is done away from the main crops so as not to disturb the already planted seeds. During the evening, lanterns are lit to provide light essence and there are several seasonal foods eaten, particularly involving apples stored from the previous Fall's harvest.    When the lanterns burn out, they are destroyed via fire and their ashes scattered over the crop fields. This is more symbolic than practical and ushers in the official start of the growing season. In particular, it represents the work of the farmers, who built the lanterns, working in combination with the ground itself to produce the next autumn's crops.


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