Boon of the Arising Celestial in Seisei | World Anvil

Boon of the Arising Celestial

You become connected with the higher planes, choose one from Celestia, Elysium, and Arborea. You gain powers based on your selections
-Title Gained: “Emerging (Insert Selection)”
-You do not need to eat, drink, or sleep, though you may do so if desired

Celestia (Archon)
-Your eyes become luminous pools like that of an Archon, you can see normally in darkness, both magical and non magical
-You gain resistance to either Radiant or Lightning damage (you choose when you pick this boon). If you already have resistance from another source it becomes immunity

Elysium (Angel)
-You Sprout angelic wings like those of an Angel of Elysium, you gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed
-You gain resistance to either Fire or Cold damage (you choose when you pick this boon). If you already have resistance from another source it becomes immunity

Arborea (Eladrin)
-You have a natural connection with sentient life, like the Eladrin of Arborea. You can communicate telepathically with any sentient creature you can see with an intelligence of 4 or more.
-You gain resistance to either Acid or Lightning damage (you choose when you pick this boon). If you already have resistance from another source it becomes immunity (edited)


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