Veil Moss Species in Seiðrheim | World Anvil

Veil Moss

The Veil Moss is a peculiar flora that has adapted itself to thrive in the challenging environment of the Gloomdepths within Shadow's Reach. Named for its thin, almost translucent tendrils that form curtain-like canopies defying the harsh conditions of the Gloomdepths, flourishing amid the spectral glow of the Ebonstone.   The moss grows in dense patches around the Ebonstone, feeding from it's arcane energy using its unique arcance absorbing properties. This power allows the Veil Moss to grow in the harshest conditions as the arcane magic empowers its growth and hardiness, also giving it many uses for us mortals.   The soft texture of the Veil Moss contrasts starkly with the hard Ebonstone surfaces it clings to. Some experienced Ebonstone miners have noted that there are subtle differences in the properties of the Veil Moss that correlate to the powers of the Ebonstone allowing them to find the best veins to harvest.   The Obsidian Syndicate has mastered the art of alchemizing the Veil Moss, processing it into many forms for different purposes. A few examples are:
  • putting it under extreme pressure extracting the raw juices from it and applying those to weapons and arrows for unbelievable effectiveness against magical casters.
  • drying it and creating an incense out of it to remove magical wards, curses, and other permanencies.
  • grinding it into a paste and mixing it with other healing herbs to create salves to treat magical wounds
  • delicately weaving it into clothing which can be used to obscure the wearer from magical sight spells
  Adventurers must take care when travelling the Gloomdepths and avoid the Veil Moss if they're weilding any magical items as the moss could drain the arcane power stored within them. It is recommended to have someone lead the group with no magical items clearing any Veil Moss that may pose a threat.


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Aug 4, 2023 19:25 by Deleyna Marr

I love how very useful this is in many forms, including helping the minors in its native environment.
