K'mosia Geographic Location in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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K'mosia is a large and long continent, mostly divided up with swaths of arid land, dry deserts, and shallows of cool woodlands, and thick cold mountains. The great Kelsime Mountains compose of much of the north's stranger atmosphere, where large mountains cage in a shallow coastline, and form blankets of shade and trees that encircle into the Xaulji Rainforest at the north-west. The mountains themselves are quite harsh and cold, and much of what lies to the vast south of their direction, or the eastern coastlines, is arid at best. This condition has allowed a strange society of cooperation to crop up between the beast-like Sfixians, and the capable humans, but has also allowed the Ank'shii to thrive as the wriggle in and out of dunes of sand. Meanwhile, odd races like the Reketta and Taur have mostly stagnated to a long enduring tribalism in smaller numbers. Mermaids also frequented the coasts often, finding less issue than in other regions like Orcasio and Amber Isle.   The two largest societies for much of the period have been the Ank'shii empire of the lower and central west, and the K'mosian kingdom of unity between humanity and Sfixians, with the divide of the two largely seen as a central delta of two rivers, both collectively entitled Blood Twins. In Mid-late Scholar Period, Taurs would develop some towns in the north-east for a deal of time, and less spoken were successful and thriving villages in the mountains.   K'mosia would be seen as the lesser of major powers in the grand scheme. Its people were largely exploited in some capacity, with a lot of domestic problems in themselves happening, that it never managed to pull itself together in a method that could fight back or unite. Further politics by organizations and trade working ahead of K'mosians, just made it grow more unstable, even if it wasn't always the intention - though, it certainly was deliberate at other points.
Inhabiting Species


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