Half-Reketta Ethnicity in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Halflings with a Reketta variant aren't much of a true ethnic group of Reketta, but can still be discussed in effect, and have happened as with most sentient races across the history of Ezqotia. Depedning on the period, halfling Rekettas are very rare, and less socially accepted in Antiquity period than even the discrimination halflings faced elsewhere - as pride, image, and status held a lot of influence on Rekettan society, and sexual activity was not even required for offsping, so the concept of sharing such with other life was even less of a potential thought. Still, it found a way to happen in few cases either way.   As usual, the halfling mix tends to appear differently based on the other parent. If the halfling is developed without intercoarse through egg contamination, it tends to resemble mostly the mother as it was pre-developed to partake in more Rekettan traits. However direct coupling offspring may cause a more evenly split outcome, especially if the Rekettan was male, with the female sometimes having difficulty with egg-processing a different creature's offspring.   Dragon: Half-Dragons were perhaps the most common of potential halfling Rekettans, for they did worship and honor the beasts, and even had ideas and theories of sharing ancestry. Still, by imperial era it was considered taboo to be sexually promiscuous around such sacred beings, and worse if the Rekettan was alluring one that might seek to demand things of its society since dragons were infamous for demanding tributes, sacrifices, etc. Yet some separatist cults, or tribes showed more activity in offering their eggs, or body to dragons. The end results were often Rekettan with larger muscular frames, wings, sometimes longer snouts and tails, more squared jaws, and occasional powers or glands over elements like fire. They had less of a chance to develop fibers, or jaw-line stub horns.   Human: Human-Reketta hybrids were killed on sight by any social period of Rekettan during antiquity or even tribal days. It is rumored some human slaves were meddled with in taboos ways, or that poorly monitored slaves might "ruin" nursery nests, but either scenario resulted in their death and the death of any contaminated off-spring. However in a post-empire period, they became marginally more common and steadily more accepted, especially in small instances of Rekettan migrating into smaller human settlements. These half-Rekettan turned out to have smaller or no snouts, shorter tails, and sometimes fingers instead of claws, or some uneven footing. In most cases they retained scales, feathers, and potentially horns. Sometimes they had Rekettan eyes, or were even born blind or misformed in some unfortunate cases. Mountain Rekettas or Orc ethnic groups had better hybrids than those of Antiquity genetics or fair-skinned humans, likely due to more even mammal traits, and Orc-scale flesh both being hardier. By the Starcroft time period, halfling Reketta-human are accepted in all major official governmental structures, but with lingering instances of personal discrimination.   Sfixian: For much of the time, a non-existent concept and the two almost never bonded in such a way. Their main period of contact was either tribes the Sfixians bullied, or imperial trade routes that were more strictly business. Trade route era spawned some tall tales of monstrous cat-lizard creatures, but it is likely just in myth. However, upon the later throne war invasion of K'mosia, it was accounted that some including the usurping queen got a little curious, and had at least two halfling offspring. Such results end up appearing mostly Rekettan in body, but with some mixed elements. Golden fur, marginally shorter snouts, prominent pointy ears with tiny horns behind them, and thinner tails that end in a slight brushy tuft. It was said that the queen's son specifically had green scales breaking out at the end of their claws. There was never any retention of a male Sfixian's mane.   Merfolk: Mermaids are notorious for alluring or even outright raping other species for curious results or to raise halfling land-thieves. Even though there was a longer history with no contact, they became especially drawn to Rekettan when they did meet - likely favoring the imperials because of the display of wealthier wares than most sea-faring societies. It was harder to find a male, or to rape them with their more concealed genitalia, but it did occur as were some cases of voluntary action. The resulting half-breed was often a scaly, web-clawed lizard-like humanoid with a longer dorsal-finned tail. Some cases had shorter rounded snouts, and large web-like ears.   Taur: Taur half-breeds never quite took hold in the similar way some later did with human contact. In older periods they only happened in rare instances of the local tribes mingling on K'mosia, but the empire activity was something more of strict fear or quick deaths for processing in meat. The Rekettan were a large factor in the near extinction, and didn't see much later contact with them until the Starcroft era, where only a few rare half-breeds have begun to happen again. In such instances, they result is close to humans in how they retain most of their Rekettan upper-body, but tend to have hooved feet at the end, and sometimes a tail that comes more from the Taur side than Rekettan. In some cases they lose their claws to more dull hands, or grow a more crooked snout. Halflings with Taurs tend to be a lot taller, and sometimes stronger, especially if it was a male taur & female Reketta (or perhaps humorously, a Bull & Hen) parent combination.
Encompassed species


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