The Barrett House Building / Landmark in Secrets Series | World Anvil

The Barrett House

The Barrett estate is located on a large tract of land in Boston near the harbor. There are a lot of stories about and almost none of them are true. Much of the mythology of the house comes from the fact that its construction was only witnessed by those who built it. It is out of the way and obscured from the nearest road by thick woods. Once passed the narrow shaded drive, the plot of land opens up to grass fields, dotted with both fruit and flowering trees. The house bosts, apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, and cherry trees. Although fig and plum trees, none were been planted in the area. Elizabeth Barrett - Beth plans to rectify this, but hasn't gotten around to it as yet.    Flowering trees are also plentiful, including umbrella magnolia, tulip trees, cucumber trees, witch hazel, black locust, eastern redbud, dotted hawthorn, wych elm, dogwood, and northern catalpa.      There is space for hunting, fishing, and riding. The circular drive rounds on a flower garden that obscures the front door. The house has three wings. One to the right of the drive, houses a large library, a grand staircase that leads upstairs, a sitting room, and a small water closet. The left side houses a music room, family room, a breakfast room, a large dining room, and all centers around the dance hall. The kitchens and the male servents' quarters are in the basement. Upstairs are the family rooms. Six bedrooms on each wing and the master suite at the top of the landing. There are three lakes on the property for fishing, several older cabins. Notably one for the caretaker that is quite large. The back of the property abuts the coast and leads up to another cabin on the property, much smaller and older. It has not been well maintained.   The fishing comes from several ponds on the grounds. There is a small stream, but not enough for more than minnows and crayfish. The larger ponds provide more of the local fare as well as the ocean dwellers. More on that later.


Boston Harbor is located in Massachusetts Bay, itself part of the Gulf of Maine which is a projection of the Atlantic Ocean.   More on the fruit trees.
Mansion / Villa


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