Deepleaf Settlement in Secret Vales of Terra | World Anvil
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The people of this village had the following professions:
  • Retired people - 3
  • Fishers - 9
  • Farmer - 50
  • Farmhand - 10
  • Children - 8
  • Guard - 4
  • Stay at home parent - 2


The villagers look toward their elders for guidance, but the servants of Magesus, Forest King control the village.


The guards are bound to Magesus, Forest King, as is the entire town.

Industry & Trade

There are three farmer types in this village:  grain, sheep, and pig.   A male, human, merchant Asundal lives here.  He has red hair and soft hazel eyes, and a thin nose. He wears well-made clothing and carries a cedar staff.   Esheluar is a male human thief. He has messy black hair and brown eyes, and a braided beard. He wears leather armor and wields a club.


This hamlet was destroyed by the fae toward the end of the Age of Fae.

Points of interest

The small lake on the edge of town and the village green are the most interesting things in the village.


The houses are made of logs with thatched roofs.  The windows are small, unglassed, and shuttered.  Most of the homes are two storied with the second story being a loft.


There is a lake to the north of town, where the fishermen fish.  The farms are to the south of town after the small town market.   The town is surrounded by forest.  The climate is temperate and the trees are mostly deciduous.  Mountain laurel is a local pollinator plant, supporting and attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.   A road from the west leads into town.  It comes from the fae court.

Natural Resources

From the surrounding forest the villagers obtain turkeys, rabbits, and the occasional deer.  They also gather black cherries and chestnuts.


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