Poseidon Character in Second Titanomachy | World Anvil
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Poseidon (a.k.a. Neptune)

history   Personality   Equipment duckbill helmet with scale aventail and a crown made of coral decorated with Moonstones/aquamarine/Pearls/Sapphires/Tortoiseshell, Brigandine made with seal skin over a scale Hauberk, dolphin shaped pauldrons, gauntlets, scaled skirt and demi-greaves. All pieces are Atlantean steal trimmed with imperial gold. Has a thin armored bodysuit made up of extremely small hexagonal plates of Olympian Palladium, under the armor.   symbol of power Poseidon's Trident the head is made out of Atlantean steal with the tips being coated by ethereal platinum, the staff is made out of enchanted Coral with Atlantean steal langet. Capable of emitting high-velocity shockwave mixed with a forward facing vortex of superheated steam capable of shattering mountain or channel raw energies of the Trident into a devastating raw devine energy capable of instantly disintegration the largest of sea monsters. It can generate earthquakes, massive storms, Tidal Wave aswell as grants greater control of his domains.   domain god of seas, water, storms, earthquakes and horses
sea green
Aligned Organization


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