Bhornrum Organization in Seann Raon | World Anvil
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The center of dwarven culture and ingenuity, Bhornrum holds the capital of Oakguard.

Bhornrum is an enormous region spread across both continents. Bhornrum is the center of dwarven culture and ingenuity and home to all races. Snowy mountains, plains as well as swamps makes the land quite diversified. Homeland of the Oakguard dwarves and ruled by mighty Chaoshorn Clan, Bhornrum is the center of dwarven culture and ingenuity. Dwarves and their allies range out from Oakguard, trying to hold a diminishing protectorate against encroaching enemies on all sides.   Goblins, orcs, undead and other monstrosity menace dwarven patrols. Several villages and towns dot the landscape, and though the trade routes can be perilous, dwarven mountaineers and warriors try to keep their settlements safe.


The major city is Oakguard, ruled by the mighty Chaoshorn Clan.


Pholul - northern part

The snowy peaks of Bhornrum have been the home of the dwarves, humans, halflings and gnomes for hundreds of years. They used to have to battle few monsters in their own homeland, but things have changed. Northern-Bhornrum has seen true peace since decades. Mensfield is the main city of the north and provides protection and succor for its citizens. The four races have generally lived on friendly terms, trading between several villages and the cities Mensfield and Oakguard in the old Kingdoms.  

The Old Kingdoms - southern part

Centuries ago, the Blue Mountain Clan dwarves split from their Oakguard brethren, summoning Azur the Icelord and devastating the land in the process. The warriors of Oakguard drove the Blue Mountain Clan to near extinction, and the few survivors fled deep underground in the Barnstead Mountain to their glacially lord.   In the year 550 since the Great Earthquake, Bhornrum’s headman joined the Oar's Rest Alliance. Not long after that, Sawhan, King of the South (great-grandfather of Barnadas) unearthed the mythic lightlords. These celestial creatures slaughtered a third of Bhornrum’s populace and drove the people to Oakguard, where they hided and nursed their wounds. This catastrophe explained why Oakguard dwarfes did break the Oar's Rest Alliance. The soldiers rallied their forces after many years of suppression by the Turami and did not even spare the diplomats. Under the command of the mighty Chaoshorn Clan, the allianced forces pushed the lightlords and Turami out of their land into excile.

Demography and Population

Bhornrum is spread by two continents: Pholul and The Old Kingdoms

Pholul - northern part

Bhornrum is a high altitude region, covered with constant snowfall and great fir trees. Winds howl through the peaks in symphony with the wolves that prowl the crags.

The Old Kingdoms - southern part

Southwest of Oakguard are the Duparjour Fields, which hosts the dragonborn farmer enclave of Eviear.


Crime is almost nonexistent in dwarven lands, as dwarves know that they must stick together against their immense number of enemies. Murder and treason are capital offenses, while lesser crimes result in exile or prison.

Merit and Honor

Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Armor, gold, iron, metalwork, silver, technology, timber, weapons
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