Oakguard Settlement in Seann Raon | World Anvil
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Capital city of Bhornrum.

Oakguard (also know as Oak-below-ground) is the capital city of Bhornrum. It is the ancestral home of the Chaoshorn dwarves. King Wefril Chaoshorn rules his kingdom from his throne room within the city.


Oakguard is one of most populated cities in the world, coming after the human city of Oar's Rest, and housing 60'000 people. The city contains several "depth" levels, officially eight, though nobody knows the excact number. The most acknowledged specification are:
  1. Entrance. a.k.a. The Gates of Oakguard, The Common level
  2. The Markets
  3. Cavern of Laughters, Inns and Taverns
  4. Crimeltown, "Oakguard Fortune", the subcity of the Halflings
  5. Hall of Mystic and Arms, mostly military and magic guilds
  6. The Cavern, were most of the inhabitant lives
  7. Hall of Throne, throne room and the high council
  8. The Great Forge


King Wefril Chaoshorn rules his kingdom from his throne room within the city, assisted by the High Council of representatives:
  • Hunour Longthane, Human, Representant of Northern-Bhornrum (Pholul-part) and Mensfield
  • Nelie, Halfling, Representant of "Oakguard Fortune"
  • Faergrax Deciash, Dragonborn, Representant of the enclave of Eviear
  • Darnana Frostborn, Dwarf, Representant of the people of Bhornrum (with her infant daughter Mardrada by her side)


The city is actually a massive below-ground carved under a mountain. The ceiling and floor are both hard stone. This gives the place a sanctuary-like feel. Massive doors of rock protect the city in times of war, and a massive furnace gives heat, energy and helps for smithing purposes. An enormous oak carved out of stone by the dwarves indicates the entrance.   The city is perhaps the most intricate of the Old Kingdoms cities, boasting many small passageways, shops built into the rock walls, great halls and cavernous rooms. The feel of the city is a bustling, rowdy, and somewhat industrial one, however, it is predominantly safe-feeling and cozy. Fires roar in the hearths of the inns and shops. The sounds of smithing and much laughing and frivolity is to be heard.  

Inn: The Hungry Hunter

In Crimeltown (level 4), in a temple quarter of sprawling monasteries and militant clerics. The street outside is lined with street vendors selling relics. The inn is a single storey building of half-timbered walls, with well-made wooden tables and chairs. A collection of weapons hangs on the walls. Accomodations consist of several hammocks in the common room. The innkeeper is a thin male halfling named Marug. He seems to know every rogue and thief in town.


  1. Pinenut Bread and Curd Cheese, Mug of Perry (4 cp)
  2. Salted Sausage and Rye Biscuits, Tankard of Bitter (11 cp)
  3. Vegetable Stew, Mug of Perry (4 cp)
  4. Stewed Mutton and Turnip, Tankard of Perry (9 cp)


  1. Ralphye Kyne: Male Human Soldier, Good. Ralphye has curly auburn hair and soft amber eyes, and a sharp nose. He wears studded leather and wields a warhammer. Ralphye seeks a company of adventurers to steal the spear Accursed Avenger from a rival.
  2. Phughye: Male Halfling Illusionist, Evil. Phughye is short and thin, with white hair and dark amber eyes. He wears worn clothing and several pouches hang from his belt. Phughye seeks revenge against the kingdom which exiled him.
  3. Symart: Male Human Soldier, Evil. Symart has an angular face, with curly copper hair and narrow green eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a military fork. Symart seeks to save his family from financial ruin.
  4. Forna: Female Elf Craftsman, Good. Forna is rough in appearance, with golden hair and gray eyes. She wears plain clothing and an iron amulet. Forna seeks to prove herself to her peers.


  1. The dragon Nergezuu has slain a host of adventurers in the Duparjour Fields.
  2. The boss of the Thieves Guild has been seen near a secret tunnels with a company of adventurers.


Oakguard is the ancient home of the dwarves. It was once ruled by the High King Krakhir Stormshield, who left no heir upon his death, eventually leading to the War of the Six Brothers. Before the war, when the Blue Mountain Clan was banished from the city, Oakguard was the commercial and social center of all the dwarven clans. It is now home only to the Chaoshorn Clan.   Many dwarven strongholds fell during the attack of the lightlords between the Turami and the Oar's Rest Alliance, but the mighty city of Oakguard nestled in the wintry peaks of Bhornrum and protected by its great gates, was never breached by the invading lightlords.   Relatively recently, Oakguard also became home to all sorts of refugees. For example, after the attack of the Tumari, the halfling city of Crimel became overrun by lightlords. Since then a number of halfling have settled in Oakguard, even converting an area of that city to their liking now known as Crimeltown. The two races are so friendly that the refugees are sometimes called the Oakguard Fortune.
Inhabitant Demonym

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