Expansion Document in Screams of a Silent World | World Anvil
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//HA Celestine-331: With a growing population of 10,000, and a completely self-sustaining economy, Cascade has become our foothold on this grey planet. So much so that we decided to begin growing a new Warp Star there. While we can sustain several colonies with the excess power from the Havenstay, we do want the ground level to be entirely independent of extra-planetary assistance. The Overwatch are planning to move to the red planet we passed earlier after a reasonable time has passed and establish ourselves there as well. I have convinced them to stay for a while so that I can research these ruins. Finally something interesting after nearly three hundred iterations of myself, I would have disembarked the ship if I had to.   //HA Celestine-331: Nevertheless, we have decided to begin our first serious attempts at expansion. two more cities will be founded from Cascade. Large groups of settlers with ready-to-use maverick Drives will embark for two strategic locations. They will be put at the edge of Cascade's Maverick network, we will use this for form a chain of settlements that will allow us to send supplies instantly planetwide. that ocean will be a nuisance, but we will overcome as always. The first city will be called Endeavor, and there we will form the Archivist Institution. it will be placed very close to the largest ruin on this world so that we may delve into its secrets from an excellent staging ground. Endeavor will also hold a new Psimalicrum Matrix that will interface independently with the Havenstay, allowing Agria to upload itself to the surface.   //HA Celestine-331: The second colony we will be establishing will be named Foundation, and it will be for the most part an industrial complex that will be optimized to produce everything Maklans need for their daily lives, as well as automated resource harvesting. This planet despite being previously inhabited is still rich in metals and other crucial materials. I have also debated establishing an automated factory on this worlds natural satellite, but that will have to wait until Foundation is up and running. The logistics of sending such harvested material from the large satellite to the planet below is already giving me a headache. Thats a problem for future me.   //HA Celestine-331: The establishing of Endeavor and Foundation will take place in the coming cycles, as the groups of settlers will be disembarking this cycle, and the next. We will send them construction kits when they have initialized their Maverick Drives. I have so many plans, and I am so excited for what is to come. The future bright city of Luminescence, and the somber monument city of Solace. Or even the Garden city of Rebirth. I even drew up schematics last cycle in bored anticipation. I suppose thats enough from me for today. Many things in the works, and we as a people havent been so optimistic since the day we left Maliknum.   //HA Celestine-331: The future looks brighter than ever, even if the life on this planet has long since passed, we will revive this world, piece by piece. Agria, end recording.   //AGRIA MODULE: Record end.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Audio
Authoring Date
Year 1, Day 67

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