The Library of Mount Dragonspire Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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The Library of Mount Dragonspire

Mount Dragonspire is a needle peak in the Hollow Mountain range, it’s sides are near to impossible to be climbed, and even if someone will be crazy enough to try, a Dragon flock made his home in the mountain.

It is said that deep inside the mountain exist an ancient hall, majestic in space and rich of art from all around Valenor, the greatest Library of all. It’s not known who build the library and collect the most ancient tome, but a secretive group of monks, who called themselves simply “The Librarians”, have made their home in the library more than a millenia ago.

Access to the Library is impossible for those not invited by the monks, but important researcher and sage have obtained access and even become member of the Librarians themself.

The Monk of the Library are not pacific and contemplating monk, they are highly trained fighting monk, using martial arts moves distilled over a very long timespan.

Organization History


Actual Situation


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Locations & Resources

Monk of the Library, Adept
Monk of the Library, Adept
Educational, Library
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