The Darkness Geographic Location in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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The Darkness


On Valenor there are a lot of different races, but as you can expect there are no race that are “Evil” for definition. If you are the target of an Orc raid you can understandably define them evil, but the real evil is another thing. The Darkness is something impalpable, it can be perceived like a slow corruption, a change of customs or a single act of appalling atrocity.


In this way the Darkness creeps on Valenor, corrupting individuals, or items or pieces of land, and with these footholds it spread. At first slowly, invisibly, corrupting an individual, then his family, the village and spreading ever further.


Darkness is a concept present in many cultures of Valenor, but there is no single universally accepted definition. In general, it refers to a dark, evil, or unknown force or entity that threatens the world and its very existence.


Some cultures believe that Darkness is a physical entity, such as a demon or a dark shadow that envelops everything it touches, while others believe that it is an invisible force that lurks in people's minds and hearts, leading to corruption, violence and destruction.

There are many legends and myths revolving around the Darkness, often related to traumatic historical events or dark and mysterious places. In some cultures, Darkness is seen as a force that can only be fought with light, which represents purity, wisdom and protection.

In summary, Darkness is a concept related to evil, chaos, and destruction, often seen as a threat to the peace and stability of the world of Valenor.


Individuals can give themselves voluntary to the Darkness, as they gain power and magic easily, or involuntary, messing up with more subtle ways of corruption. Corrupted creatures become monsters, their victims mutating or rising as undead. Their neighborhood change to become a haunted and dangerous land, eating or drinking food or water from these corruption can transform and kill. Any way someone start to accept the Darkness, there can be only one outcome… the Corruption.


The Darkness is more like a poison or a sickness, that transmit in strange ways, but taken in time it can be healed. The magical nature of the Darkness makes her easy target of opposing magic. Magical sign or rune protect from the Darkness (for a while), corrupted creature can be turned or destroyed by powerful magic and keep away with magical sign or Holy Symbol. Obviously the Darkness fights back, and do it trying to take control of the world.

The Darkness is often associated with evil and destruction, and many believe it to be a force that seeks to dominate and destroy all that is good and pure in the world. Some even believe that it is a sentient force, capable of influencing the minds of mortals and even possessing them to do its bidding.


Despite its ominous nature, not much is known about The Darkness, and many of its secrets remain shrouded in mystery. Some believe that it is an ancient force that has existed since the dawn of time, while others think that it is a manifestation of the collective negative energies of sentient beings.


There are also legends that tell of powerful heroes and heroines who have risen up to fight against The Darkness and preserve the light of goodness and hope in the world. Whether these legends are true or not, many people believe that the only way to combat The Darkness is through courage, determination, and a steadfast belief in the power of goodness and hope.

There is no divinity that doesn’t fight against the Darkness; Priests, Monks and Clerics are the first to fight against the Darkness, but like all spellcasters they too are liable to fall for the lure of the Darkness powers.

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