The Black Vultures Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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The Black Vultures

Organization History

Nearly a hundred years ago, the Avian clan of Aduin discovered some ancient ruins on a mountain high in the Ridge Mountains. They quickly moved to occupy them, creating the new nest of Aduin Qul, some Sages suspected that secreted in the deep of the mountain was a temple of Darkness but none can find it at the beginning. In less than a generation the call of Darkess seduced some of the citizen, twisting them in becoming carrion eater and subject to strange new illness.

These changes transformed them, the plumage of the wing of the Aduin became black and the back curved, like under a great weight. Some years ago, some of the Aduin emerged from the ruins after being transformed in Ghoul, and quickly take the control of the Qul.

Some of the less twisted Aduin left to flee from the Darkenss, but they cannot find hospitality on any other Qul. Their destiny is unknown. The other Aduin slipped even more into Darkness and become to be called Black Vultures or Vulture people.

The Aduin abandoned their worship of Leida, taking on the horrible cult of the Ancient Gods. Leida cannot let pass this betrayal, so she removed her blessings from the Aduin, their melodious voices became harsh and high pitched. The same happened to their lovely faces, becoming twisted and animalistic.


Actual Situation

Currently the Aduin Qul (also called the Crow's Nest) is outside the area shrouded in Darkness, although many believe it will soon be engulfed by it.

The vulturefolk have become a cannibalistic group, hunting isolated travelers, small nests of Altan, and caravans. Their skills and stealth make them very dangerous opponents.

To increase their numbers and at the same time weaken their opponents, Vultures infiltrate other Nests and steal their eggs.  

Notable Members

Their leader is a mysterious figure called the Vulture Queen


Locations & Resources

The Black Vultures control Aduin Qul's nest and some small nests around it. The fall into Darkness of Tyravul Qul's (Sea Nest) nest is believed to be somehow due to their activities.

Black Vulture Champion
Black Vulture Champion
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
The Crows
Related Ethnicities

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