Galaximar Character in Sci-Fi RPG Videogame | World Anvil
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The Galaxies Traveler (a.k.a. Galaxies Incarnate, The Creator)

The gender-less Xenodrak, Galaximar is considered the creator of the race of Xenodrak, but not in the way you'd expect. Being born with the creation of the other dragon shards, it has the power to recreate the other Xenodraks, should they be destroyed or lost.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A silver symbol of Ouroboros.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Galaximar was the first to be created on the alien planet Arkorian. After creation, being alone, Galaximar using all its power, created the other Xenodrak, each with unique shards, elements, and other abilities. After this creation, Galaximar actually died, but only temporarily. Each Xenodrak's shard contains genetic DNA of Galaximar, to which they can all be combined, reviving the ancient creator. In addition to its contingency plan, Galaximar created its own shard where it lives inside and is guarded by the other Xenodrak.

Upon crashing into planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy, the transportation pod that the other Xenodrak traveled in, lost the shard of Galaximar, also known as the Hope Diamond. The shard itself crashing into Earth as well, shattered into hundreds of pieces and were then scattered all over the planet, never to be seen again. At least the people of earth think.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Created the first race of Xenodrak.

Failures & Embarrassments

Died at its own hands creating the other Xenodrak.


Never harm a planet's life. Whether it be a plant, animal, or human, Galaximar believes no harm shall come to Earth.

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to return to its home planet and rebuild it, into a better society of Xenodrak, and possibly co-habitate with other species, like humans.



Speaks in a deep tone, no matter the situation.
Divine Classification
Current Residence
Purple w/ stars swirling inside the iris
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am Galaximar, the last hope for humanities survival. Where am I again?"

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