The Lanterns Guild Organization in Scandagliare | World Anvil

The Lanterns Guild

The Lanterns Guild is an explorational and research guild known primarily for their expeditions through the Doukutsu. They normally act as independent contractors guiding caravans, surveying land, or gathering rare materials from the Douketsu. There are a few rare instances that a Lantern has become an accepted trade partner to particular Douketsu clans.
The Lanterns Guild's namesake comes from the Chromatic Lantern they bare when terracing the unknown.


Their operations are something between a Watch and the Fellowship of Surveyors. The organization is independently funded through Doukutsu trade operations and commissions off of being a guide through the caverns under Scandagilare


"Knowledge first, judgment last" is one of the mantras that is expected from those who join the Lanterns. Lanterns hold no allegiance to a specific kingdom or noble. Though there is an argument that has been replaced with allegiances to colleges and other organizations.


Lanterns traditionally have lodging in colleges as well as outposts at each point of commonly traveled routes.

Enlightenment To The Lost

Guild, Professional
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