Dusting Condition in Scandagliare | World Anvil


Dusting, or Nidhoggs Curse, is a form of Disapparating from the material world. Named dusting due to the white/grey that flakes off the body over time. Symptoms are a sudden loss of weight, change in follicle coloration, loss of appetite, coughing sand, and inability to draw blood.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission of the disease is most commonly done through inhaling the primordial ash that the Nidhogg left in its wake when it was alive. 
Alternatively, those who regularly travel between planes will find themselves at much greater risk than common individuals.
The common use of planar magic or magics foreign to the material plane will cause dusting to start in some cases.


Dusting can come from environmental as well as lifestyle changes. 
Regionality: Dusting is most commonly diagnosed in Sausordad, North Knopia, and South Knopia. While chances of acquiring the disease have diminished over time, those who traveled out to the Nidhogg wastes (now The Nidlands) or Saurid were at a higher risk for the disease. Breathing waste from these regions and dust from those who are dusting is also related to those with dusting. 
Overexposure to other planes: Those who travel frequently between planes have an increased likelihood of dusting due to the displacement constant shifting of one's material components can cause. Mages who work often with extraplanar abilities are also put in a higher risk category for the condition. 
Biological: Dusting can be passed on genetically. having a mother or father who is dusting will increase the likelihood that they may have offspring with the condition. Dusting may sit benignly for years to activate sporadically or may be passed on during birth. There have been cases of a mother with dusting losing the condition by passing it on to an unborn child.


Dusting's main symptom is what the condition is named after. Starting with hair follicles, one's body begins to slowly turn to dust. This will continue until one has been turned into a pile of grey sand. The victim can stay conscious even after their mind has begun dusting, slowly losing their verbal and motor skills until they become stuck in a vegetative state. 
Dusting individuals lose appetites as their digestive track becomes filled with and turns to dust. Bowel movements become similar to pooping sandpaper.


If spotted early, dusting can be removed by magical means, though having dusting once increases likely hood of dusting again, therefore yearly checkups to remove the condition become manditory. 
Alternatively, if only one limb is dusting, amputation is also a viable option. dusting will still need to be removed from the individual through magical means as well, but properly amputating the limb will keep the body from bleeding out once the condition is removed.


Dusting has a relatively low survival rate. The condition is often caught too late in its lifespan to be safely removed. Financing for regular checkups who survived dusting once can be costly for low income adventurers and families.


Dusting can be traced back to the rise of the Nidhogg in 1700 SA. As the Nidhogg desecrated the land, everything that it crushed reverted to a primordial substance of grey ash. The entire land east of the Knopian Divide became a desert wasteland similar to the Hal Varti.
After the Nidhogg was eventually triumphed over, the ash did not settle and those who ventured out into the "Nidlands" were often not to be seen again. The ash would blow into some villages and towns. In a matter of weeks, locals would report waking up covered in ash. 
After hundreds of deaths, a similar thread was linked; those who are exposed to the ash or who regularly travel to other planes would end up prone to this unique strand of dissaparating.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare